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"What the hell is this?" Shinichi scowled as he saw his own books being scribbled with uneccesary words. The title said 'the notebook' and of course it isn't a notebook.

"That is mine." Kaito said as Shinichi look at him. "I thought we should make our own notebook."

"This is clearly out of the idea we had on plan. You did most of the work with my point of view." Shinichi glared at Kaito.

"But we did frick frack hard did we?" Kaito winked at him as he blush.

"S-Shut up! I was the one who put my wood inside your black hole." Shinichi slap his mouth, covering it in embarrassment.

"Oh you took those lines in the notebook. Nice." He mocked Shinichi as he began to be flustered.


He pulled Shinichi into a kiss and turns out to be a make out french kissing session. They gradually turned hard and frick frack eachother.

The end.

No wait-

de endz of de nutebuk ;)


2 bad u kno i am bery lazy 2 mke mure so deak witb it

Thanks to the original author for the idea and i want to make another parody between Kaito and Shinichi.

You should read it ( more like my friends made me read it) It's called 'the notebook - jalex'

Oke by

Ty and cya. Food will always love you. - Aninur

the notebook - kaishinWhere stories live. Discover now