Chapter Four

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Following services Sunday morning, Elizabeth Petals left her husband at home to run a few errands in town. Following a brief visit with the King, Elizabeth proceeded to the Duke of Marlborough's residence to call on the maid, Margaret. Formerly a maid in the duke's household, Elizabeth knew Margaret and the lighter dutied staff should have the day free. Waiting in the carriage in front of the townhouse while her driver inquired into the maid's availability, Elizabeth prayed her plan would pan out. 

The duke's butler, finding it was Elizabeth calling, opened the door wide, stepping out onto the stoop to await her. Bentley's welcoming smile assured Elizabeth she had not picked an inopportune time to visit. 

" 'Tis Bentley's understanding the maid is around back walking in the garden." Lynwood informed Elizabeth, "He assured me you are welcome to seek her out, Mistress Petals." Assisting Elizabeth from the coach, nodding at her thanks, Lynwood watched her skip up the steps to buss Bentley's weathered cheek. Closing the coach door, Lynwood climbed back up to set about a quick errand of his own.

Bentley bent his greyed head to give Elizabeth access to his wrinkled cheek, his pale blue eyes shone with pleasure as she asked after his health, "As you know, Miss Betsy, my old bones are not what they used to be, yet I still manage to do fairly well with what I have." Bentley let go of one of her slim hands to crook a finger under her chin, coaxing her pixieish face a mite higher to enable his closer observance. Nodding in satisfaction, he stated his approval, "Marriage seems to be agreeing with ye. Though I do have to say you are missed greatly here..." Bentley turned to look over his shoulder, making sure no one lurked in the hallway before leaning down conspiratorily and confiding, "Especially as of late."

"Arianna?" Knowing her to be demanding in the best of times, Elizabeth could only imagine what the staff endured with the duke's daughter in the family way.  

"Other than an insatiable appetite for pickled beets and iced cream, I shall strive to be kind and say she is no more trouble than usual." At his conspiratorial whisper, Elizabeth's answering giggle brought a small grimace of a smile to Bentley's face. Gesturing for her to proceed him, Bentley closed the door behind them and escorted Elizabeth to the kitchen, leaving her in Cook's company to return to his duties.

After a brief visit with Cook, Elizabeth let herself out the back door. The young mother was not difficult to find; Elizabeth could see her across the lawn pushing a pram down the garden pathway. Of its own volition, Elizabeth's hand moved to cradle her trim belly; her firstborn's appearance may still be a ways off, but that did nothing to lessen the excitement Elizabeth felt at its inevitable arrival. Following the path Margaret trod, Elizabeth waked quickly to catch up with the pair.

"Margaret," Elizabeth called out softly, not knowing if the babe slept. 

Hearing her name, Margaret turned. A questioning smile grew upon Margaret's lips as she waited, accepting the embrace Elizabeth initiated when she caught up to her.

"Betsy," Somewhat bemused at the timing of Elizabeth's arrival, Margaret shook her head slightly, her eyes lowered demurely, and she could not help but smile, knowing most of the questions that presently whirled around in her mind, Elizabeth could answer. Margaret lifted her eyes and smiling shyly, querying, "Brutus told you?".

"He did," Elizabeth answered, her approval evident in her answering smile. "I hope you don't mind; I have come because Mama Katy would like to get started preparing you for your journey."

"Brutus mentioned something about that." Margaret nodded as she resumed pushing the pram and they walked side by side on the pathway. 

Elizabeth took a moment to address Margaret's young son, deciding to wait a bit before indulging herself by holding him. "Are you concerned for Daniel?" Elizabeth gestured to the babe, his arms and legs waving as he kicked out and exclaimed his presence.

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