Chapter 14

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So I brought my laptop on vacation and a guy let me use his phone as a wifi hotspot! YAY!! So thanks to him you guys get another chapter! Hope you enjoy! Comment,Fan,Vote!


“Why didn’t you fight back Chad?”

He didn’t answer. “Where’s your room key?”

“Back pocket” I faintly heard. He was probably in so much pain. How long had he been in there with Dean? My hand that was around his waist went toward his back pocket and pulled it out. It wasn’t awkward at all since we were so close. I opened his door and saw an unfamiliar face walking around shirtless with boxers.

“Oh god what happened to him?” he said.

“Beat up by Dean Taylor. Do you have any alcohol or something so I can clean the cuts? I’m staying the night in here.”

“Yah let me go get it.”

“Which one is his room?”

“The last door on left is his. It’s only the two of us in this room so we each get our own master bedrooms.”

“Ok thanks. “

I walked over dragging Chad with me and dropped my bags at the door.

“Lay down a sec. I’m going to take a quick shower so I don’t infect your cuts.” He slightly nodded and laid back on the bad. I grabbed the pajamas and walked toward the bathroom.

“What’s your name by the way?” I asked Chad’s roommate.


“I’m taking a shower, so let Chad rest and leave the alcohol outside please.” He nodded. And I closed the room.

I washed my hair and lathered my hair with the key lime shampoo Chad uses and dried myself with a towel getting out of the shower quickly and changing into the tank top and underwear set I bought today. I walked out with wet hair and almost ran to Chad.

“Chad are you ok?”

“Yah, I’m just hurting everywhere.” He said trying to lighten the mood. I closed the door so Jeffrey wouldn’t hear us and I grabbed the alcohol.

“That’s not funny right now. This may hurt a bit.” I said as I put the alcohol on some cotton balls. “This is my entire fault. I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have gotten beaten up for me. Do you need to go to the nurse?”

“No I’m fine. There’s a first aid kit in my cabinet and you can just wrap my chest up.”

“Ok.” I said unsure. I dabbed the cotton onto his cheeks and eyebrow. He was definitely going to have a black eye as I saw it bruising.

“Can you take off your shirt so I can tend to it?”

“Yah I need help though.” I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and he winced as I tried to move his arms. I grabbed a pillow and placed it under his head and got up to get the first aid kit. I took out the bandages and cleaned his cuts and wrapped the bandage around his body about three times so it would be tight.

“Do you want any water?” I said getting up.

“No I’m fine.”

“Ok call me if you need me. I’m going to sleep on the couch.”

“Please don’t. Stay here with me.” I walked back to the bed looking at his saddened eyes. I laid on the bed as I grabbed his head to rest on my chest and I brushed his hair with my fingers.

Stuck in an All Boys Boarding SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora