Chapter 15

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“Hear me out Kristen.”

“No.” I said. He got up from the bed and went in front of me.

“You don’t understand.”

“I don’t understand? You were the one that beat up Chad!” I yelled at him. He started walking towards me and I backed up with each step he took. My back hit the wall and I flinched knowing this is what he probably wanted. I leaned my head against the wall as he came up to my face.

“Kristen I really like you and I’m sorry. I was just so mad at the news of you having a boyfriend because you just amaze me. Please will you forgive me?” he said staring deeply into my eyes.

“No. I’m going back to Chad’s now.” I said trying to push him away. His eyes hardened and he grabbed the sides of my face as his lips pressed on to mine. I tried to break away but at the same time my walls were breaking down and I realized I was kissing him back.

Oh my god I’m kissing Dean I soon realized. I pushed him away but his chiseled chest probably didn’t feel anything. I bit his lip and he opened his mouth as his tongue tried to slide into my mouth.

I slapped him and he pulled away.

“Don’t ever kiss me again.” I said.

“You kissed me back though.”

“Get away.” I said as I pushed him away one more time and ran toward the door grabbing my bag while on the way.

I knocked on the door furiously when I got back to Chad’s room and Jeffrey opened the door.

“Thank God.” I said as I closed the door. I ran into Chad’s room and he looked at me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Stupid Dean had the nerve to kiss me!” I said. “God I hate him.” I said.

I heard a ringing and pulled out my phone to an unfamiliar number.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Is this Kristen?” a deep voice said.


“Hello its John Martin.”

“Oh hi what’s up?”

“I know this is a late notice but as you may have heard your on the homepage of Victoria Secrets.”

“Yah I saw.”

“Well today at seven there’s a fashion show in New York and Chanel Iman can’t make it so I was wondering if you can pack a bag and we will send you here by private jet.”

“I don’t even know how to walk though.”

“It’s fine. We are doing the annual fashion show, the one that shoots live and we need you to fill in. Please do it. All expenses are paid and you can even bring someone on the private jet with you.”

“Wait, you’re sending me by private jet?”

“Of course, you need to get here in New York by three the latest so we can teach you everything. So will you do it?”

“Yes of course.” I said jumping up and down. Chad looked at me puzzled.

“Ok we will text you the info and the jet will land at the front of your school, see you soon.” A huge smile went across my face.

“What’s up?”

“You and I are going to New York now! Hurry pack bags!” I said laughing with joy.


“I’m going to be in the annual fashion show, the one on TV. Chanel Iman couldn’t make it so I’m taking her place!” I grabbed my tote bag and stuffed shorts, jeans, a v-neck, and a tank top.

“Do you need help getting changed?”

“No. Can you pack a bag for me though?”

“Yes.” I stuffed a pair of jeans that looked good on him and a white v-neck and grey hoodie for him in a one of his bags while he changed into jeans and a black button down.

“Why so dressy?” I asked.

“What if they show a shot of the audience and I’m there? Plus we are showing up by jet don’t you think that when we land paparazzi are going to come up to you and take pictures.”

“Oh yah. I should probably change shouldn’t I?”

“No I think guys out there would like to see you in tight jeans.” He said smirking.

“Shut up.” I said laughing. I pulled on a leather jacket and black heels to dress up the outfit and pulled my hair down and let it out wavy.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yah.” We grabbed our bags and I headed to the principal’s office to tell him I wouldn’t make it to class tomorrow.


So I posted another chapter! YAY!!! Comment,Fan,Vote! And Dean and Kristen kissed! But sadly shes mad at him so nothing happened...should she be with Dean or someone else??

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