She's the kind of girl who'll fracture her mind 'til it's light

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On several occasions I have been awakened by the curses of the girl next door. Falling, playing video games, or watching Netflix at the highest click of the remote. She never seemed to sleep and I noticed the bags under her eyes when she passed by my house to her bus stop. She'd stop and glare at me, making them far more apparent. My worries for her have increased every day. One day she looked especially awful and I could tell by her appearance and the constant noise next door that she hadn't slept in three days. She swayed and I gasped as she fell and her head met the pavement. I ran outside as fast as my weak legs would allow me to go (I didn't leave the couch often). I ushered her inside my home and laid her down on my couch while I searched for some alcohol and gauze. I found the necessary equipment inside my third hall closet and ran back out to my living room, but she had already gone.

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