Chapter 1

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Growing up as an only child isn't just easy as fuck. Many people will think that "only child" are spoiled all the time when it is not.

For 19 years I've been living with my parents until last month. I moved to a condominium unit.

Another boring day for me. I got nothing to do. The summer just started and I don't know how to make this a productive one. So I took my phone and opened one of my sns account. My news feed was bombarded by different quotes which gave me an idea to write a story. For the record that was the only thing I did for the whole day and in fairness I enjoyed writing. It was stress relieving. It made me discover my secret side, being a romantic person. It was 11 pm when I found myself in a fast food chain. Fried Chicken made my tummy satisfied.

Great I feel that I'm sleepy.

I was walking on my way home when a car almost hit me. You got it right, I almost got hit by a car used by a ridiculous driver. For a few moments the car stopped. The driver was in a state of shock. When it started to move again, I took my sandals and threw it at the back of the car.

"Hey!" I shouted.

The car stopped.

"Whoa, you almost hit me and then you're not going to say sorry!?" I continued shouting.

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