Chapter One: The Fall

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Nine years later...

Kayden ended her routine on one hand, gripping her ankle much like she had done all those years ago. It was a crowd pleaser and always sent the crowd into an uproar when she finished the routine. But the crowd wasn't nearly as loud as they were when her parents and brother performed.
Dick had followed in their parents footsteps and became an acrobat, exciting the crowd since he was so young.
Kayden flipped back onto her feet and bowed, slipping out of the ring before the crowd was done applauding. It was Dick's first time performing in America, and she planned on watching him.
"They're in a good mood tonight," Kayden said, entering the dressing tent set up for the performers. She immediately pulled nine year old Dick into a hug, careful not to wrinkle his costume. "Be careful out there, okay, little brother?"
"I'm always careful, big sister," Dick said, hugging her back. "Now let me go before we're late."
Kayden released him, only to embrace her parents. It wasn't part of the usual ritual, but she'd had a bad feeling all night and needed a little reassurance. "I love you," she said, before releasing them. "Be careful."
"We love you, too, Kady cat," Mary said, using the endearing nickname as she kissed her daughter's cheek.
"We've done this thousands of times," John said, kissing Kayden's forehead. "But we'll be careful."
Just then, they heard cheering and knew the clowns act was almost over. They all hugged one last time, before parting ways. The three hurried off to the left, to climb up to the trapeze platform before the Flying Grayson's were announced. Kayden pulled off her mask and slipped a trench coat over her overly bright unitard, hurrying to settle down in the seat always reserved for her.
The routine had been normal, but Kayden grew increasingly worried and fidgety. Dick had just finished his part in it when it happened, every acrobat's worst nightmare.
The ropes snapped.
John and Mary Grayson started free falling as the crowd gasped, and Kayden registered that someone was screaming. It took her a moment to realize that she was the one screaming. She heard Dick shouting as their parents plummeted more than forty feet to hit the ground with a pair of sickening cracks.
Someone grabbed the back of her coat, but she just shrugged it off, vaulting over the little railing that separated the crowd from the performers as Dick slid down the ladder. She reached him just in time to keep him from touching Mary's hair, matted with blood and brain matter. She pushed Dick's face into her shoulder, not wanting him to see what she was seeing.
No one should ever see what she was seeing.

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