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Sans: Oh... That... Well, think about the most important thing to you. It can be something serious, like your family, or something small like your gaming system. Then one day you lose it, and you have no idea what happened to it, and it makes you so angry you wanna punch a wall? That's... That's exactly how I felt when I lost Pap... And time and time again I try to save but I'm always too late!! *eye glows blue* And you get so goddamned pissed at yourself, that you wanna kill someone!! Because the only family you had is now officially gone!! That's how it feels!! *eye stops glowing and sighs* Sorry, didn't mean to blow up at ya, kid. My point is though, I did it out of rage and revenge not just because I felt like it. Look... I just... I'm gonna go to Grillby's for a while... *leaves*

(God, I wanna rp the next scene with him and Grillby now. Just GAH HERE COMES THE FEELS *collapses*)

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