*waves of questions drown me*

484 22 32


Sans: Fangirls? I don't--

*ground rumbles and a huge crowd of girls squealing and shouting run towards Sans*

Sans: OH SHI--


Papyrus: I will happily assist my brother with his love problem!!



Sans: I feel really honored above all.


Sans: *shrugs* Well, with me, it's Alternate Timelines. As for your world, I'm not sure, Kit says it has something to do with emotions from the day, your health, and what you eat. But if you've been having nightmares kid, you gotta tell someone. I always tell Pap, and it feels great to know I have someone looking out for me. So, please talk to someone about it, if you remember it. It's not healthy for you to keep the pain inside of you.


Sans: I am. And Pap is the younger but taller bro, obviously.


*Megalovania plays loudly*

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