Part 4

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I really hoped I would’ve lost them both at the airport, but Randy had his eyes on me like a fucking hawk. We were on our way to tonight’s Monday Night RAW in Phoenix, Arizona. I wasn’t happy about it, but I guess I was debuting tonight to see if I had what it takes to be a diva. Unfortunately for the other diva’s in this failing company, they’re gonna have to answer to me when I kick all their asses.

We headed into the arena, with Randy still watching over me. I carried my gym bag over my shoulder, trying to figure out which outfit is the best looking for whooping some ass.

Randy walked me over to a door down a long hallway and stood by it.

I stared at him. “Well?”

He half-smiled at me. “This is the women’s locker room.”

I smirked at him. “You should probably get in there and get changed then.”

He chuckled. “Go in there and get dressed Lea. You’re on tonight in one of the first few matches.” He turned to walk away, but then stopped and turned back at me. “And just so you know, if you try to leave at any of the exits, and I mean any of them, they’re all guarded. Every single staff member in this arena knows who you are, and what you’ll try to do. Even the ventilation shafts are sealed up for you. Have fun.” He chuckled to himself as he walked away.

I guess I was stuck here for tonight. Great.

I slowly opened the door to the women’s locker room, and as I peered inside the door, there was a small hallway that led into the actual locker room. I slowly creeped inside, and I immediately heard laughing from inside. There were quite a few people in there, at least I think there were.

I slowly walked down the hallway and I entered a bright yellow-tiled room. There were long benches in front of a bunch of random lockers. A couple girls looked at me as I stumbled in with my gym bag. After a quick glance, they proceeded to whisper about me. I grabbed a locker in the corner of the locker room, away from all the other girls.

There was a tap on my shoulder, and I turned as I slid my gym bag off of my arm. There was a small girl standing in front of me with long black hair. She had a large smile on her face, but she looked full of attitude.

As she stared at me for a few seconds, I felt obligated to say something. “Can I help you?”

She giggled, and I could sense her snottyness about to emerge. “You’re that girl from TNA aren’t you?”

I placed my hands on my hips. “What’s it to ya?”

She giggled again. “You are. I can tell by your shitty attitude.” She looked back at the other girls who were giggling and staring at us. “I’m AJ. I’m the ‘Head Bitch In Charge’ around here.”

I crossed my arms as I smirked. “Well AJ, you’re talking to the wrong person. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t give a shit if you were the scum on the bottom of my boots.” Her smile faded, but mine grew bigger. “I’m not the new girl here. I’m the best thing that’s ever going to happen to this company.”

“Hold up bitch.” AJ held her hand up in my face and I smacked it down.

“Don’t tell me to ‘hold up.’ You’re gonna answer to me tonight. And if I have to wipe the floor with your face just for you to understand that, I will. I’m the best in the world right now, and you don’t wanna cross me. You’re already doing a swell job with that, though…aren’t you?”

I smiled at her as I whipped her with my hair. I dug through my bag and found the perfect outfit for tonight. There was a black glittery wrestling bra, and a black sparkling skirt with a pink and black checkered belt. I grabbed my makeup bag and headed to the bathroom area of the locker room. The other diva’s stared at me. But I was used to it.

As I finished with my eyeliner and ruby red lipstick, I headed back to my bag and grabbed my fingerless gloves out of my bag. I changed into my black heeled boots as well. I left the locker room shortly after.

I waited up front near the ramp. People left me alone, which was nice. The only one actually speaking to me was the stage manager. He was just letting me know when I would be going on. Sadly, I was going to be going out in a few minutes. My opponent is going to go out first. Personally, I hope that AJ bitch is the one I’m gonna be facing. I wanna beat the crap out of her.

Music played, and I didn’t recognize it at all. I didn’t care either. Whoever I was going out there with, was gonna get their face planted so hard into the mat, that the only thing she’ll remember, is what the name of her terrorizer is.

A blonde girl with a title belt marched past me and through the curtain. I chuckled to myself as I watched her pretend to be the hottest thing around. I listened as the ring announcer called her down. Her name is Kaitlyn.

I gave my iPod to the stage manager, and he played the same opening theme song that I had for TNA. “I Don’t Care” by Fall Out Boy. I walked out onto the ramp, and I looked around at the crowd. Most of them were kids.

I posed at the top of the ramp and blew a large kiss as I always did. I stared down the blonde bitch in the ring as I made my way down. I climbed up on the apron and did the splits as I slid under the bottom rope. I was hoping to get a lot of male attention for doing this. After all, if there’s no boys involved, it wouldn’t be any fun. Right?

She jumped up and down a few times after the bell rang, and I stood in my corner as casual as could be. I wasn’t scared of her. Matter of fact, I would be able to dodge anything that she threw at me.

Finally she came at me. We tied ourselves up in a grapple, and I flipped her over my shoulder and she landed square on her back. She was quick to get up. I stood casually as she danced around me. I chuckled to myself, and I think the rest of the world saw that.

She charge at me again, and I took her to the ground. As she tried to get up, I wrapped my arms around her neck as I brought her legs up with mine (almost like a version of John Cena’s STFU, but using both my legs to bring both her legs up behind her). It didn’t take long for her to tap out. But I wasn’t going to let her go. I’m gonna show these people, these fans, this company, these superstars…that there’s a new bitch in charge, and that she wasn’t going down easily.

I released her and stood up, staring down at her on the mat. I picked her up by her hair, and I threw her over my shoulder. I held her on my shoulder face up and her legs behind me, and I looked around at the crowd, trying to find AT LEAST one cute face. But alas, there was nothing.

With my mighty strength, I jumped up and I flipped her forward, turning her face down in the air as I slammed her hard into the mat. Landing on my ass, I brought her down hard. I wasn’t sure how badly I’d hurt her, but I really didn’t care. Now everyone knows that I’m here.

I smiled to myself as another diva ran out, and sure enough, it was AJ. She shot me a nasty look as she slid under the rope. She immediately went over to her friend to see if she was okay. Then she turned at me. “Are you fucking crazy?”

There were no microphones involved, but I could still hear her plain as day. I nodded to her. “I’m a crazy bitch, and that’s what makes me the best!” I turned and walked away as I heard her call me a psycho bitch. Whatever. I know I’m better than her anyway.

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