Poem:2 My heart ached

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My heart ached..
When i saw u saying good bye to me forever..
My heart ached...
When i saw that tears rolling down my cheeks no longer bothered you.
My heart ached...
When you ignored the helplessness in my eyes.
My heart ached....
When i wittnessed no pain on your face for leaving me alone just like that.
My heart ached.....
When i was crying like hell but this time there was no one their to comfort me saying 'i m their for you'.
My heart ached....
When i realised that we were now strangers once again.. but this time with a bunch of memories and tears in my account.
My heart ached...
When i realised that i would no longer be waking up by you on my say.
My heart ached....
When i realised that you would be happy by holding some other girls hand the same way u once holded mine.
My heart ached...
When i realised that my absence made no difference in your life.
My heart ached...
In a way you could never understand...
Because you never loved me the way i loved you back..
My heart ached...
When i saw u happy with some other girl.
My heart ached.....
My heart ached....

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