Chapter 4: Staggering Time

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Anna's POV:

I finally reached my room. I slowly pushed the solid oak doors open, my head spinning over everything that had happened. My hands grasped the heavy latch on the door handle, the cold hard metal waking up my senses. The effort making me gasp, I pushed the heavy doors closed, then turned around and leaned against them.

What was wrong with me? I couldn't seem to make sense of anything anymore. I never fight with Kristoff. Moreover, I had never lied to him before. Or really to anyone else, as a matter of fact. A tear traveled down my already red face as I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, imagining his shocked and angry face. His image hurt so much to think about right now.

Aching and shaking slightly, I closed my eyes and breathed heavily, more tears streaming down my cheeks. Without even realizing it, I started sliding down against the door, the cool wood feeling strangely comforting against my back. I collapsed in a small heap at the base of the doorway, leaning nearly all of my weight against it's strong surface.

My eyelids felt so heavy. I was completely exhausted. With so much going on around me and inside of me, I could hardly sleep at night. And with what happened only a short while ago, I knew I was going to spend another night with my eyes wide open.

Nearly asleep, my aching head heavy against the door, a familiar pang sounded in my chest. I groaned, trying to find anything to distract me from it. Running my fingers through my messy hair, I felt myself relax involuntary. It felt so good. I continued to do so the next couple of minutes, my eyelids becoming even heavier. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

It didn't last long though, as I was jolted awake by someone knocking on the door abruptly. My shortly relaxed shoulders tensed, the all too familiar aching feeling returning. I stood up and grasped the door handle, opening it to see the anxious and slightly surprised face of a young serving maid.

"Oh! Your majesty! I can explain!" She said in short, quick gasps. It seemed as though she had run all the way from the other end of the palace. She bent in a quick curtsy and stood up again, eyeing me anxiously. Her eyes surveyed my disastrous hair and slightly rumpled gown. I started feeling self conscious and tried to calm down my wild hair as best I could as I addressed her.

"Yes? What is it?" I said kindly to her, fighting back a yawn that was just waiting to happen.

"Oh! Princess Anna! You have to get ready! The ceremony starts in five minutes!" She answered breathlessly.

I cursed, which wasn't very lady like of me as I turned back to the young girl. Apparently I had picked up some things from Kristoff as well.

"I'll be right there! Give me a minute!" I said quickly, closing the door without even waiting for a response.

I flew to my closet, yanking out my new gown and nearly tearing it in the process. I rapidly undid the buttons on the gown I was wearing and threw it into the corner of my room. Pulling it up and tying my sash in a strangling sort of way, I started combing through my long auburn tangles, being more harsh on certain knots then I would have if I had some more time. My heart hammering, I quickly grabbed some pins and started sticking them in certain places, my fingers nimbly weaving my hair into a fancy twisted loop high on my head. Stumbling to get my heels on, I shoved my feet into them and walked back over to my dressing area.

Suddenly, a hard sharp pain streaked through my body, causing me to crumple against the vanity. I squeezed my eyes shut so hard that I saw tiny pinpricks of light behind my eyelids. It hurt so much. I gasped, my hands grasping my chest, trying to find some way to make it stop. It was like shards of glass were being pushed into my heart, ripping and tearing at anything they could find. Breathing heavily, my gasps wracked with pain, I gripped the vanity tightly and put all of my weight against it as I attempted to stand up. My eyes traveled over my face as I gazed into the mirror.

My cheeks were a bright scarlet red, still wet from the tears that had left trails down my nose. I was shocked to see deep bags under my eyelids, a faint shade of purple. I looked absolutely terrible. My shoulders shook as I stared at myself, ashamed at what I was seeing. A sob escaped from my mouth, full of all of the sadness I couldn't seem able to express to anyone else.

This was Kristoff's special day. I was supposed to make it that way for him. And all I did was make him angry. There's no way he's going to want to see me now, not after everything that happened this morning.

Stop it, Anna. I scolded myself, angry at the way I was thinking. He loves me. I told myself firmly. And I love him. Wiping my eyes clear of any stray tears, I looked in the mirror once again. Feeling slightly more assured, I started doing my make up. Gold eye shadow was brushed across my lids, looking even more defiant with my eyes outlined in dark brown eyeliner and mascara. My cheeks were already red enough, so I didn't even have to worry about blush. Adding the finishing touches to my coral colored lips, I looked into the mirror for the final time. This time I smiled. I wasn't going to let any more of this imaginary pain stop me anymore. I had to be imagining it.

He loves me. I told myself again. And I was going to do everything in my power to make sure he knew it.

Having that settled, I stood straighter with an air of confidence and walked out of my room.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Sooooo, what do you think? I was having major feels when I was writing this chapter! I've been working on the next one for over a day, and I think you're really going to like it Get ready to have all of your questions answered!

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