Chapter 16

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Chloe's POV
"Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, girl, you got me
There's nothin' I,no, I wouldn't do, I wouldn't do Just to get up next to you"
I was singing loudly in an oversized pyjama shirt with shorts, dancing on my bed while listening to music. I felt arms rap around me and I took my headphones out and noticed Beca, I felt my face burning and I knew it was bright red. I can't believe I didn't hear her come in.. I can't believe she just saw that! This is so embarrassing "um I was just.." My voice trailed off as she just smiled and kissed my forehead "it was cute" I smiled a little and leaned my forehead against hers. "Babe do you have your bags packed" I asked quietly and Beca let go of me "shit!" She ran over to her closet and opened it. "I'm taking that as a no... We have to be at the airport in a few hours so I'll pack your clothes and you pack your DJ equipment and whatever else you need" she nodded and walked over to her desk with a suitcase. We're gonna go visit our family back in Canada since it is Christmas break and we're also gonna tell them about us. To be honest I am kind of nervous on how my brothers will react. I have two brothers one is older than me by two years his name is Cam and one is younger than me by three years and his name is Sean. I started packing becas clothes as she packs her computer and other equipment, I smiled to myself and continued packing becas clothes. After a few minutes we finish packing and we get our luggage and head out.
It was a 2 hour and 20 minute flight but with Beca, well it felt like a 4 hour flight. One moment she would be nervous the plane would crash and then next she would be complaining about everything and I mean everything but at least we're here. We just picked up our bags and we're looking for my parents they texted me to let me know they were waiting but I couldn't find them. "Ugh this is taking forever. Are you even sure they're here because I can just tell my mom to pick us up" Beca complained with annoyance laced in her voice "you complain too much Mitchell" I said finally spotting my mom and dad. "Chloe! Beca!" My mom said with the biggest smile on her face as she hugged us both while my dad took our luggage. "Hi Grace" Beca said with a small smile as my mom looked her up and down "is it just me or did she grow a little?" My mom joked with a wide smile. "No she's still a midget" I smiled at Beca and then glanced at my mom as I felt Beca shove my arm. "Okay well lets get you guys home" my dad said and started leading us out to the car. Beca and I climbed into the backseat, she rested her head on my shoulder and her hand on my thigh. After a few minutes of driving my dad decided to break the silence that filled the car "so Beca are we dropping you straight off at your house or not? I mean not that it matters since we live basically next door" Beca looked up at me and then lifted her head off my shoulder "um I think I'm gonna go home I haven't seen my mom for a while but you guys are coming over for dinner tonight right?" Beca asked and my mom smiled and nodded. "Yes! Of course we are! It's a tradition to have dinner every Saturday night together, even after you two went off to college" my mom said. Some people think she's way to preppy and sometimes she is but I guess her and I are very a like. She has beautiful long red hair and bright blue eyes like mine but slightly brighter. I also have her personality but a lot of my facial futures come from my dad. "So any boyfriends?" My dad asked I think directing the question to both of us. The car suddenly fell in an awkward silence as Beca and I exchanged looks. "Um no. No boyfriends" Beca said awkwardly and cleared her throat "what about you Chloe?" My dad asked as he turned onto our street. "I uh.. No I don't really have a boyfriend and I don't think I really want one anyways" I said quietly as I felt Beca unbuckle her belt once my dad parked in her driveway. "What 19 year old doesn't want a boyfriend?" My mom asked. Beca glanced at me with for a second and I guess she noticed my hesitation because she looked back at my mom and interrupted our conversation. "Grace do you mind if Chloe stays at my house tonight? I mean I know you haven't seen her in a while but I kind of have something planned for us right now" Beca said with a smile "uh yea sure. Have fun girls" she said as I unbuckled and got out. We grabbed our luggage and headed to becas door. Beca took a deep breath and looked at me "you know tonight is gonna be really scary telling our parents and all and whatever happens nothing they say is gonna change my mind about us" Beca said rapping and arm around my waist and then she knocked on the door. I'm not gonna lie, I'm freaking out about tonight. Just that little conversation on the car scarred me because I don't think my parents will like the fact that I'm bisexual and I think they are gonna freak when I also tell them about Beca. I don't know about Becas mom, she seems pretty accepting about that considering her best friend is gay but you never know. I'm glad that Becas dad is actually trying to build back up his relationship with Beca and although Beca would never admit it I think she likes the fact that he's trying so hard to try and be a father but I know that she's still mad at him for walking out on her and her mom all those years back and I don't think she'll ever get over that but who could. Becas mom opened the door and smiled widely "girls you're home!" She pulled Beca into a hug and then pulled me into the hug also. "I missed you guys running around causing trouble for me, I was starting to get lonely." Beca laughed and shook her head "I missed you too mom, like a lot" Beca said. "Well honey, you know I'm just a phone call away" Becas mom said then turned to me "speaking of phone calls I haven't heard from you in a while Chlo" she said with a nudge to my arm. "Yea I was just um going through something the last few months but it's all good now" I looked at Beca who frowned and looked away "but I should've called I'm sorry" I said in a quiet voice. "No worries Beale! I'm just messing with you" Becas mom said and laughed "okay guys go get settled up in Becas room since I assume you're staying the night Chloe and then come down when you want, I might need some help preparing dinner" she added before wondering off into the kitchen. "Come on red" Beca ran upstairs with her bags and I followed carrying mine. When we got upstairs Beca threw her luggage onto the floor and locked the door "what are you doing babe?" I asked and gently put my bags on the floor. "Well" Beca said in a low hushed voice as she took a step closer to me "I figured while we 'settle' down we could maybe have a little make-out session" by this point Beca was so close to me that our bodies were practically touching. She ran her fingers gently down my back and stopped right above my ass then she leaned close to my ear. "So what do you say Beale?" I felt my heart race a bit "becs you're mom is downstairs" Beca pulled me onto the bed and sat on top of me. "So" she kissed my cheek "She. Doesn't. Have. To. Know." Beca trailed kisses down my jaw line after every word she said until she reached my lips. I stared into her eyes for a moment and smiled before leaning up and capturing her lips in mine. At first our kiss was slow and passionate but after every minute passed the more intense each kiss would get. I felt Becas hands roaming my body causing me to heat up and soon enough they were under my shirt. We've never really gotten this far yet mainly because it's only been a month and Beca... Well she's just really self conscious about her body and well everything really. Just as she was about to take off my shirt there was a knock at the door which practically caused Beca to jump across the room. She fell onto the floor and sighed "fuck" she mumbled under her breath. "Honey why is the door locked?" Her mom asked "I'm coming mom just one sec" Beca said and I quickly got up off the bed and fixed my hair then adjusted my shirt. Beca opened the door and looked at her mom "what do you want" she said in her normal tone when she's trying to act like he doesn't care. "Um I was just wondering what you wanted to eat tonight" Becas mom Cara said "oh um just whatever is easiest for you to make" Beca smiled softly "okay bye" she said before closing the door. "That was close" I mumbled and unpacked some of my clothes as Beca snaked her arms around my waist from behind "you know, you're really touchy today Mitchell" I smiled. I loved days when Beca is like this, you know all touchy feely. Usually I have to insinuate the touching because she thinks it makes her look too soft. "Well that's because I love being touchy with you" she pressed her lips on the back of my neck "okay Beale let's get ready for tonight."
I heard the door bell ring and my heart skipped a beat. My parents were here and in the next hour Beca and I will have to tell them. "Everything is going to be okay Chloe just breathe" I told myself and then walked downstairs to see Beca, my mom, my dad and Cara sitting at the dinner table already "hi mom. Hi dad" I smiled and sat across from Beca. I kept my eyes on the table and felt my heart racing again "so how's college going guys?" Becas mom asked and I looked at her with a nervous expression which she quickly picked up. "Chloe can you come help check on the dinner with me" she asked standing up and walking into the kitchen without an answer. I got up and walked into the kitchen and glanced over my shoulder at Beca. "What's wrong Chlo? Talk to me" Becas mom pulled me into a hug which calmed me down slightly "I can't tell you" I bit my lip and leaned more into her embrace. "Honey, you know you can tell me anything right?" She said and softly stroked my hair "what if you get mad at me.." I whispered. I was scared to even tell Cara and I can't tell her because Beca and I agreed to do it together in front of all the parents and I knew it was gonna be hard and scary but I never thought it would feel this scary. "I would never get mad at you" she said in a soft soothing voice she uses with Beca when she has break downs. I took a deep breath and backed out of her embrace "come on" I walked back into the dining room and she followed "Beca" I said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. Beca awkwardly and quickly stood up, she stood up so fast she almost tipped her chair over. "Um mom, dad... Cara Beca and I have something to say" I said quietly and felt my hand shake slightly which I noticed and tried to stop them "Chloe and I well we're dating, please don't like freak out at us" Beca continued when she saw how nervous I was. "You're what?" My mom said and shook her head "no, no my daughter isn't a lesbian she's not gonna date a girl it's a sin" she said and I looked down. "Mom I'm not a lesbian I'm bisexual and I really, really really like Beca" I mumbled and looked over at my dad for some help. "Chloe, your mother is right. This is a sin, a disgrace to our family and frankly it's disgusting" he said in a firm tone. I knew this was gonna go bad my mom and dad think I'm a disgrace and Becas mom hasn't even said a word yet. "Woah woah let's not get carried away here Pete. Chloe and Beca love each other and for me that enough you're supposed to be her father and you need to love her no matter what and same goes for you grace. Your daughter is not a disgrace and she is not at all in anyway disgusting and it disturbs me to see you act and treat her this way for being herself and loving who she wants" Cara argued with a disapproving tone "well then we're leaving and Chloe when you aren't a disappointment to us come talk with us again and until then don't make contact with me or your father" my mom said as she got up and collected her things. My eyes began to water and I sat back down. This really hurts, I mean I wasn't expecting them to react that way and even Becas dad still wants to talk to her and he's completely against our relationship. Once my parents were gone we ate in silence but I didn't eat much, I didn't really have the appetite to "Chloe don't listen to them they'll come around eventually" Becas mom said trying to make me feel somewhat better. "Thanks" I said before going upstairs and before I knew it I was crying myself to sleep.
Okay so this is a long chapter and I kind of owe it to you guys for not updating lately. I hope this is an okay update and just letting you guys know I am going to Cuba on the 26th and I won't be back till the 2nd so I probably won't update till then because I won't have wifi but don't worry I'll write lots while I'm away!

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