4. Crying

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Hey! I have been busy so I have not had enough time to update but yall have not been asking so I am updating when I want to. Thanks for reading my story. I am happy to have 116 reads and more to more come


"Hey you know me I can skip a beat in your heart-." My alarm was playing "Set this world on fire" -Janoskians.

"Argh! ." I had my eyes a bit closed since my phone light was basically blinding me.

I got my cover off of me. I don't know why even if it is warm we still cover ourselves when it is like so hot outside. I went into the bathroom and I looked myself in the mirror. I looked like I had just been run over by a car than threw into a lake and left for a couple of days.

My eyes were puffy and my makeup had run down my cheeks and my hair was a huge tangle. I had come yesterday and just went upstairs and cried myself to sleep.

I took a quick shower. I looked better than I used to. I put on some blue skinny jeans with a free hugs shirt that I found and white converse. I straighten my hair and put a blue beanie on.

I got into my black range rover my dad got me. Which I didn't want but he got it and I wanted a bug. I just hate it because I don't like attention and this car basically screams "look at me!" I parked beside the bookstore. Not a lot of shops were opened yet but I had to organize the books. Fun! I put the keys in and locked the door behind me.

I had just spent an hour of putting books right. I felt like I had a billion paper cuts. I put up the sign to tell people it was opened.

A lot of people had came today and I was exhausted. It was closed but I had to organize everything again. I hear a knock on the door. I turned around and a girl was standing there. She was trying to get my attention. She kept pointing at the sign outside. I was confused for a bit and remember I had put up a sign for a helper around the bookstore.

I opened the door. She looked to be 17 years old. She had really curly Brown hair. It looked beautiful with her outfit. Her eyes looked a lot like someone. I got that out of my mind fast.

"Are you here to apply for job?" I asked her. I could tell she was looking at me very closely.

"Oh. Yeah I wanted to apply. What do I have to do? I just want a summer job." She said. She looked a bit confused.

"Well all you have to do I organize books and that's about it. I will be paying you every week does that sound good?"

"That's awesome. I will take it. Thanks so much! I will be here tomorrow at 8." With that said she left. I was glad someone could help me around here. I took the sign off and locked behind me.

"This is a nice car." Someone said behind me as I was putting my key in my car. .I turned around and met eyes with him. One part of me wanted to slap him and the other was glad it was not a kidnapper.

"You almost scared me."

"You and I both know I would never do that." He said smirking. I hate when he does that. He is such a smirking jerk. He comes a bit close to me and just stands there. He looks into my eyes. I try to take my eyes of him but I am curious to what he is going to do.

"Were you crying?" I take a breath and gulp. How had he known not unless he saw me yesterday in my room. That's not possible if my room is in the second floor. He had to have noticed something different but I put on make up it should have made it less noticeable.

"N--oo. I haven't." I said stuttering. I am the worst liar ever. If I did something wrong I would basically rant myself out.

"I know you lied to me. I saw you getting out of your car and your mom screaming at you." He said. That's how he knew. I seriously thought he went into my room and was watching me sleep like Edward does to Bella. That just sounds weird and creepy in so many levels.

"Well want can I say I have a messed up family who doesn't give a crap about me." I said. Why did I say that. He does not need to know about my messed up family. I don't want pity from he. He probably doesn't care. What guy would care about a girl who doesn't have friends and is a loser to everyone else even her parents?

"I should go now. I really think you should stick to your friends instead of me because their way better than me and I don't need people hating on me more than they are already." I got in my car and left without another word. It looked like he was going to say something but I don't want his explanation. It is best if we don't even talk to each other.

I looked in my rear mirror and saw him standing there. I turned the corner and went straight home. I can't believe myself. He was probably only trying to be my friend but then there's that other option that won't get out of my head.

I went in and my mom and dad were eating. They were both laughing at something. They looked happy and I didn't want wanted to ruin it. I have already ever since I was born and they noticed I was not going to be like them. Well I am sorry I am not stuck up like you all.

"Miss would you like some food?" Ruby asked.

"Umm. No thanks. I am fine. I will get some later." I turned my head and told her. She turned her head and left to the kitchen.

I went up the stairs into my room. I felt like hulk going into my room. I threw all of the stuff in my room to the floor.

I push people away. I am so good at it. I pushed my parents away just because they don't get me. They have tried to help me but they gave up. Now they only person that ever talked to me is gone because of my fault. I have not had a friend maybe because when they started to talk to me I pushed them away. I guess I am forever alone being the book girl because I don't like cats.

It was 3 in the morning and I could not go to sleep. Part of me was happy I got somebody to work with but the other part I was sad. There has never been a guy who I would feel sad for until now and it kind of scares me. There has been enough of guys who have talked to me and I would not care if I never talked to them.

I went downstairs into the kitchen. I didn't care if somebody saw me in my pajamas I was going to eat. I was hungry and nobody can stop me from getting food. I grabbed some leftover food from today. I ate in the dining room. I was not in a hurry to finish. What is his name? That stupid question kept repeating in my head. I knew I should have listened to the teacher when he was calling roll or when he called on people.

I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs. I went in my room and closed the door and turned off the lights. I found my bed and slept.


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