I Know You

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"No." I said, firmly

"Please, it has to be you."

"No." I said, deadly.

"You're the only one. Pretty please?"

I abruptly stopped stomping my way through the corridor, and turned around with a look of annoyance to the persistent boy, who had his hand clasped together with a flamboyant wink.

"I told you Kuroo-San, I'm not interested in that 'Matchmaking party' or whatever. I've got practice to go to."

"Beside" I awkwardly glanced to the side erratically and roughly rubbed my upper arm feeling somewhat uncomfortable from the curious eyes and whispers. "I'm just your desk neighbour." I whispered harshly.

"So?" He raised his brow that were hardly visible under his mass of bed hair.

I gave him one of those awkward, closed-mouthed smile followed by a long exhausted sigh. "What I mean is, you should probably find someone that you know."

"Oh, I know you."

I softly pinched the back my neck, irritated. "What I mean is, a girl you actually know. Like, you know, what she likes to do, eats, and---"

"That's easy. You're L/N F/N, you're my desk neighbour, you're the president of the calligraphy (Also known as the unpopular club)--- that has its day off today---"

"Hey, I heard that."


"Way to talk someone into something..." I mumbled to myself, feeling more irritated. I  quickly raised my brow to disguise my anger, and gave him a short nod to to continue.

"your favourite food is 'Mouse Land Biscuits.'"

I craned my neck forward in surprise with narrowed eyes. "Huh...that's quite...impre--"

"Oh" He added nonchalantly. "Chocolate blueberry flavoured, to be specific."

"--stalkish. How do you know the flavour!?"

"Well, who wouldn't when they hear such noise every morning right next to them, when they idiotically hide their face behind the notebook?"

I stayed quiet since I didn't have anything to say in defense.
"Now," He walked closer to me then lowered his body, so his face were the same height as me, with his hands still tucked inside the blazer's pocket. "I take that as you, yourself meet all of the points in 'someone I know' criteria."

He then chucked. "How ironic."

I bit the inside bits of my cheek and looked to the side to prevent myself from screaming into his face.

"...Large special edition rabi-rabbit in love parfait." I mumbled.

"What? Large special edition...?"

"Oh, don't worry. You don't have to remember the name on its name tag, but the number on its price tag." I said, gleefully before giving him a small smile.

We stared into each other's with stubbornness for a good three seconds.

"Fine." He said with such bitterness. My eyes sparkled in response.

"One more thing," I hesitantly gently put my hand on his chest, and pushed him gently. "This is not an appropriate distance with a desk neighbour."

I could feel a sneer coming behind me as I walked off, thinking about the lovely, heavenly parfait.

As he caught up to me, he said in a honeyed voice: "By the way,"

My body froze as he softly blew into my ear and whispered, "You better work on that lip bite, or else you're just going to leave ugly marks on your lip. Unless," he hinted.

"Unless?" I answered, confused with the last word.

"You want them to be kissed by me."

I gave him a deadpan expression. "Are you finished?" I impassively said.

"Eh?" he feigned surprisingly with his eyes, "I guess I am. What?" his smile dropped. "What are you doing?"

I couldn't speak as I kept on licking my lips in circles. After I was done, I smiled at him sweetly.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd kiss me?"

He was irked by my action. "You know that'll make your lip even more dry, right?"

"I know." I said nonchalantly, before wiping my lip with my tissue. "Kisses are contaminated with our salivas either way, so I went for the healthiest option available to not infect myself and other people."

I brought my face closer to his and whispered, "Tempting, isn't it?"

I blew into his face and walked off, applying some cherry lip balm to my lip.

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