Into the Calm and Deep, Deep Blue

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He knew he should have trusted his gut. His decision was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The day he trusted a mythical entity would be the day he died. And so it was.

Shouting engulfed Dipper in each and every direction one would think feasible. On-board the ship was utter and complete chaos. Dipper's crewmates were well aware of the sea they had entered not long ago. It honestly wasn't theirs to explore, albeit they decided to venture through regardless. They knew they should have worn protective headgear to block out the entrancing songs of the horrific beasts. They should have been prepared, and now their bones were sleeping nestled at the seafloor.

The sirens had completely halted the great ship Dipper had called home for many months now and had entirely circled it. Dipper, with a great knowledge of mythical mysteries and monsters, knew the Sirens would begin their song in not too long and hold the entire ship in a trance. He had to be helpful somehow, and he had to be fast. Dipper ran to the lower deck of the ship and quickly equipped himself with the sharpest harpoon he could find, along with a pistol and knife he securely attached at his side. His white, baggy and soaked shirt had torn in many spots over the hardships at sea, and his navy blue and identically baggy pants matched the shirt nearly perfectly in the degree of wear and tear. He wore striped socks to his knee, although they had slid down to his ankles by now, and he wore a white and black bandanna tied to his head with a small tree embroidered at the front.

Hastily and nimbly, Dipper ran through the boisterous crowd and to the ships edge. A blue siren with gleaming eyes and a face so perfectly created by the Gods above began climbing to the ships edge to meet Dipper; a glint of lust in its eyes which nearly froze Dipper entirely. The siren began to part its lips and begin its tune, but Dipper cut it short by promptly shoving the sharp end of the harpoon into it's chest and pushing it back into the water. A screeching noise from the Siren so loud caused at least half of the ship to cover their ears and take a step back in surprise. Dipper, the harpoon still in hand, felt a tug at his wrist and he nearly jumped out of his skin. His fearful brown eyes darted to the right and were met by those of a bright, curious golden pair.

He needed to pull away, but something held him captive. The Sirens short, golden yellow hair flowed with the breeze, softly and elegantly. It almost seemed like a halo floating above its head, strange as it may seem. His eyes seemed so kind and trustworthy, unlike the rest. They seemed understanding and polite, and it seemed as if they were apologizing for rudely grasping Dipper's arm earlier. The harpoon clattered to the ground with a loud klank and Dipper's entire body felt like jello.

"I-" He began to protest, but as soon as the glowing and now smiling beast placed its hand at the crook of Dipper's neck and trailed a finger through his hair, he stopped speaking. It sent course shivers through his spine and it exhilarated him, although he wouldn't admit it if he weren't under its spell.

It leaned closer to Dipper and brushed its lips against his jawbone, slowly pulling Dipper into the great blue. Dipper hadn't noticed though, and any part of him that may have been fighting the spell was now banished as it began to sing.

Earth Angel, Earth Angel
Will you be mine?
My darling dear,

love you all the time.

Dipper let out a small puff of wistful breath at the sirens song. It was so beautiful, he was so beautiful. His voice was so crisp, so perfect- it almost didn't seem real. It kept refueling that hunger for more Dipper wanted, and he leaned with two hands on the rail and one shoe planted on the ground, almost halfway into the water already.

I'm just a fool,

A fool in love with you.

Earth Angel, Earth Angel,
The one I adore...

With the last word, Dipper's eyes nearly fluttered closed, but then opened alarmingly as the once trustworthy Siren insensibly tugged him into the water with talons now tearing into his shirt and skin. Dipper tried to scream, but then realized his horrible mistake. He was being dragged underwater and he had very little oxygen. On instinct, he thrashed and tried to grab at his knife, but was disarmed by the monster. Dipper's eyes would have filled with tears and dread were he on solid ground, but now they remained clamped firmly shut. Dipper was just coming back to his senses, and oh god, he wish they would have came back sooner. He was manipulated against his will and he knew it could have happened. It was his fault he was going to die, as were the rest of his crew- his family. His lungs began to burn and his thrashing slowly became weaker and weaker. The sirens features twisted into a terrifying, virtually indescribable thing and its pointed, jagged teeth sunk into his neck. Dipper's vision blackened around the outsides until it spread and the menacing dark blindfolded him completely.

(Usually I don't like sad fics but, well, too bad.  First time for everything. Plus it was written from 10-12 at night so you know. How good could it be? Will probably reread and make it sound better later. Thanks for reading!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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