Evan's Dark Eyes (M.W.L One Shot)

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Evan's Dark Eyes

(My Wattpad Love One Shot)

*Evan's P.O.V*

A watch in silence as a million tiny raindrops fall from the dark sky and splatter softly on the grass. The moonlight barely offers any light, but I can just make out the trees rustling and crunching in the cold breeze.

I would feel lonely up in this tree house if it wasn't for a special girl sitting beside me.

"Are you scared of storms, Mrs. Strawberry?" I whisper softly in Jules' ear.

"No," she replies simply, truthfully. "Because you make me feel safe, Dark Poet. Or should I say, Mr Strawberry now that you are my boyfriend?"

I turn my head to face Jules and we lock eyes intensely. Just sharing a gaze with her has my entire body ablaze. Her piercing blue eyes seem to penetrate my own until I feel like she can see right through me. I wonder what she would find if she could look into my soul.

"Will you please tell me what your tattoo means now?" Jules asks, uncertain of my reaction.

I feel all the walls in my mind come crumbling down, my defences no longer there to stop myself from letting someone in on my most deepest secrets.

"The tattoo on my neck represents my battle between light and darkness," I begin. "The delicate, thin, intricate lines are less dominate to the bold, dangerous curves because I once believed that I was all bad. But with your help, I've learnt to accept that it really wasn't my fault."

Ever since I let my mother down, a pain so fierce and controlling has threatened to destroy what good was left in me. So I vowed to close up like a clam, to protect the world around me from being devastated by my grief.

Writing depressing stories and dark poems on Wattpad was once my only outlet. I could express everything I was feeling through words and nobody would even know they were about me. I made my room feel like a cave so I could hide away like the hideous shark I thought I was. I even wore black clothing because I wanted to offer outsides a warning.

So when Jules came into my shadowed world- a girl who was so bright and full of innocence- I thought it would be selfish and cruel of me to risk everything she was. I may have called her a 'cheesy writer,' but that was only because I didn't understand her.

I tried so hard to protect her from a world she didn't belong in. I put up a mask of coldness, flirted with another girl to make her hate me, ignored her private messages and even told her that her kiss meant nothing to me. But eventually I realised it was no use lying to her or myself.

She already owned me.

I still fear that I will tarnish her. Her belief in soul mates and true love must stay intact, for it is what I admire about her the most. It takes a lot of courage to put all your faith in the inexperienced. Not only is she the most caring, most sweet girl I've ever known, but she has also taught me to believe that I do deserve to be loved again.

"Thankyou for sharing everything with me," Jules says tenderly.

Jules face lights up with a radiant smile as she dares to accept all the baggage I come with. Although the pain of loosing my mother to an abusive father will always be with me, I will feel safe as long as Jules remains by my side.

"No, Jules. Thank you."

She reaches up to cup my face and I lean into her palm. The warmth of her skin radiates onto mine, slight stubble on my jaw prickling her hand. Her fingers continue to trail up to my plump lips. They part under her affection touch and I close my eyelids.

She takes a fist full of my midnight black hair and tugs at the strands. A soft grunt escapes my lips, showcasing the level of affect she has on me. Jules pulls my to her, so our foreheads press firmly together whilst our noses nudge the others teasingly. What have I ever done to deserve the love of someone as beautiful as Jules?

Her glistening red lips are only a centimetre away from my own, coaxing me into closing the unnecessary distance between us. Her captivating eyes look away from my own and travel down to my mouth as well. It feels as though my whole body is aching for this.

"Red lips like petals of the passion flower.

That part to breathe the honeyed breath of love.

Those lips that my lips gladly would devour.

Whose honey I would taste again thereof," I whisper.

"Kiss me," Jules pleads.

I press my mouth to hers abruptly and a deep hunger ignites from within me. Her soft lips move over mine, the delicious taste of her dancing on my tastebuds. I bite down on her bottom lip softly and she willingly gives me entrance. Her smooth tongue begins to play games with mine, making my body buzz with sheer passion.

I don't just want Jules, I need her.

Jules' fingers tangle in my hair desperately as she fights to pull me in closer. I push her softly onto her back and crawl on top of her tiny body. Her legs wrap around my waist, pulling our nagging cores together forcefully. Our lips continue to move in synchronisation, as if we're both moving to an even drum.

Jules flips us over so she's lying on top of me instead. She pulls my shirt over my head, exposing the horrible scars on my stomach. I watch her intently as her eyes crystallise with a lifetime of unshed tears, while one defiant one slides down her cheek.

Jules lowers her head and applies delicate kisses on all my scars. At first my abs tense with the intimate contact, but my body eventually relaxes after her eyes settle back on my own.

"I accept these scars because they're apart of you," she tells me.

I bring our lips back together and kiss her with all the emotion that has built up inside of me. I can never get enough of Jules, not ever. Lust and passion start to invade my body like a virus as I continue to beg for more contact.

Jules stops kissing me when she realises just how hopelessly I want her. She can no doubt feel just how restrained I am against her, wanting nothing more than to entwine our bodies without the suffocating clothes between us. I can't help but notice that the sound of the booming storm is shadowed by the heaviness of our desperate panting.

"You're so hard," Jules gasps, astounded.

I press my lips to her nose before replying, "You have no idea how much you affect me. Every word you say... Every breath you take... You always have me on edge, Jules. So you can never image what your kisses do to me."

Blood rushes to Jules cheeks in response to my honest reply. I've never felt this content before in speaking my mind. I know I can trust her with anything now: my past, my present, even my future.

"I promise I feel the same way, Evan. No one can make my body feel this way but you," she replies quietly, looking into my eyes softly as she speaks.

"Then do you trust me?" I ask her.

"Of course I do," Jules says, very sure of herself.

"Then will you let me show you just how much you mean to me?"

Jules doesn't spare a second to reply, "Yes I will, Evan. Because I love you."

Jules and I spend the rest of the night making hot love to each other. Never have I allowed myself to get this helplessly lost in someone before, and my body has never known such pleasure and burning heat.

Jules is my compensation for all the love I've been deprived of over the years. I've come to realise that I'm no longer a man consumed by darkness, because I have someone special to remind me that the world isn't just good or bad, light or dark, rainbows or storms, but a combination of the two and has helped me find where I belong.

A/N 'Evan's Dark Eyes' is my way of thanking Arix (cold_lady19) for all her amazing stories. I truly love you girl! 'My Wattpad Love' in particular is such a captivating and emotive story that even had me in tears when it concluded. So 'Growing Up' definitely has potential to be just as incredible.


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