Jules and Evan Poem

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Jules and Evan Poem

I was once a shy, lonely girl,

Hiding behind a computer screen.

Dreaming of soul mates and true love,

But never really knowing what they mean.

I read romance stories on Wattpad,

And even wrote my own.

Lost in a world of fiction and fantasy,

That I lived in all on my own.

Then one day out of the blue,

A dark poet stormed into my room.

Calling my stories cheesy and unreal,

Not caring how it would make me feel.

I didn't even know who he was,

Or why he came to me that day.

Yet it was clear he needed my help,

And I would find a way.

He put up a mask of coldness,

But I fought to see past it.

I would never give up on him,

He just needed someone to believe in.

Even though I got hurt,

And he kept pushing me away.

I knew I had to try harder,

To earn my place to stay.

He dwelled in the shadows for too long,

It was time he came into the light.

He was not a shark but a man,

Who deserved a taste of delight.

So over time he opened up to me,

And bared his marked soul.

But he wouldn't show me his face,

Only his heart's empty hole.

Then one day he called me,

And I drowned in his sweet voice.

It vibrated through my body,

And I felt my heart rejoice.

I wanted to see more of him,

So I asked to talk on Skype.

When he finally revealed his face,

I got a huge fright.

He was beautiful and brooding,

Like something out of my dreams.

I couldn't believe that he was real,

Our how special he made me feel.

We decided to meet in person,

And for the first time I was afraid.

Our friendship was moving so fast,

That I wasn't sure if it could last.

But then I saw him standing there,

My dark poet in the flesh.

And all my fears drained away,

As my heart raced in my chest.

His dark eyes swam like the sea,

Black pools of ink calling for me.

So I dived into their depths,

Knowing we were meant to be.

Our love was better than any fairy-tale,

Or romance in a book.

Because we didn't need a happily ever after,

Just the promise of forever.

He was my soul mate Evan,

And I was his peachy girl Jules.

We belong in each other's hearts,

Always the girl and the shark.

A/N This poem is inspired by cold_lady19's amazing 'My Wattpad Love' and its ongoing sequel 'Growing Up.' They are both amazing and I have read them so many times. I love Arix's writing so much and I admire her fiercely. I wrote this poem and the one shot called 'Evan's Dark Eyes' to express just how grateful I am for her.

I heart you girl!


Evan's Dark Eyes (M.W.L One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now