Part 2

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Due to requests, I'm making a second part.

~A Week ago~

 "Sebastian! Kill them all!" I had ordered. With a smile, he obeyed.

  Completely unaware of what was going to happen.

  "Sebastian, get up! Sebastian? Sebastian, I'm serious!"

    My selfish order put my butler in an unexpected crisis.


~Present day~

   I had stopped working to take care of Sebastian, even though it wasn't my job to do. I ordered my servants to keep the manor safe, just in case those wretched enemies came once again. I am currently laying by his bedside, looking down at his sleeping face. He was dozing off, probably not minding his surroundings. 

   I just hope he's alright.

~Sebastian's P.O.V.~

  I can't believe this. I have never failed my master. And yet, he doesn't care. He cares more about me as a person than as a servant. Which, to be honest, makes me glad. Really glad. 

  Hmm... that's strange. It seems I have feelings for my young lord. 

  I sure hope he knows. Even though we kissed, he may not even feel that way about me. I don't know what I'll do if he rejects me. 

  What is wrong with me? I have to focus on waking up, first. I need to wake up. If only I knew how.

~ Ciel's P.O.V. ~

  I can't handle this. I don't know if I can live without him. He has saved my life on several occasions, yet I don't know how to save his. I can't bear to imagine life without him.

 I walked away to the corner of the room. I slid down the wall and sat with my face buried in my hands and my knees up to my chest. I didn't know what to do. So, for the first time in a while, I cried. I cried until my eyepatch was so wet with tears that I had to take it off. I was alone, and I didn't know what to do.

~ Sebastian's P.O.V. ~

 He's crying. What have I done? I failed him, and it cost me. This is all my fault. It's my fault that I'm in this position, unable to open my eyes, and probably slipping away from the master that I loved? This is Hell. It's worse than Hell.

 I can't do this! I just simply can't do this anymore! If I am away to the point that my master, that Ciel, is crying, I must return! I have to wake up! I have to!

~ Ciel's P.O.V. ~

 I kept on crying. I love him. I love him so much. If I have to live without him, what will I do? He is everything I'm not. I'm everything he isn't. I'm nothing without him. Every tear rolling down my cheek is because of my foolish mistake. It cost me. Mostly, it cost him. 

 Wait, I hear something.

 I sounds like, a person? In this room?

 It's him! Sebastian!

~Third Person P.O.V. ~

  Ciel looked up to see Sebastian with his eyes opened. His breath was still weak, and he was barely moving. He ran towards him. "Sebastian!" He jumped onto his bed and embraced him tightly, still crying. "Sebastian, I missed you." He muttered in between sobs. Slowly and gently, Sebastian wrapped his own arms around the small teenager, starting to cry himself. 

  "I missed you, too, Ciel." 

 Ciel looked up into his eyes. His small hands reached for his butler's face, lightly touching his cheek. Slowly getting closer, he gently pressed his lips to his. Sebastian, kissing back, then knew his master's feelings.

 Ciel pulled away, looking him in the eye. It felt like eternity passed. He smiled, and said those words he was waiting to say. The three words he has been saving for one special person.


 The butler smiled gently. "Yes, Ciel?"

 "I love you."

 Sebastian smiled, tears slightly running down his cheek. "I love you, too."


 Apparently this book has readers all over the place! USA, Canada, UK, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines! Thank you all so much! I'm pretty sure there will not be a third part, since there isn't much to write about now in this plot. However, I am open to writing more SebaCiel! Make sure to check out some other ships in my bio and tell me which I should write about! Thank you again!

- Weeb-chan



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