Story 7: Bunnie Rabbot

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Name: Bunnie Rabbot.

Mutant Name: ??????????

Age: 18.

Gender: Female.

Species: Rabbit.

Fur Color: Yellow.

Eye Color: Green.

Additional Fur Color: White.

Hair Color: Blonde.

Likes: Fashion, Country Music, Southern Rock Music, Beauty, Hairstyles, Technology, Research, Vehicles, Computers, Motorcycles, Friendship, Farmlands, Her people, Survival.

Dislikes: Vile Conquest, Treachery, Torture, Disturbing lack of faith, Insanity, Vulgar Behavior, Fear, Viruses, Insults, Negative Emotions, Injuries, Slavery, Chaos.

Attire #1: Brown Miner Gloves, Pink Leotard, Brown Belt with a Golden Buckle, Fuchsia Sports Tape, Fuchsia Bandages, Pink and Vermillion Motocross Boots.

Attire #2: Brown Cowgirl Gloves with Fuchsia Lining, Light Brown Neckerchief, Pink Tank Top, Brown Western Vest, Blue Jeans, Brown Belt with a Golden Buckle, Fuchsia Sports Tape, Fuchsia Bandages, Vermillion and Fuchsia Cowgirl Boots.

Ability Attribute: Flight.

Bio: Bunnie is a good-spirited tomboy and southern belle. Bunnie longs for city life and dreamed of being a beautician, hair stylist and fashion designer. Long time ago, Bunnie lost her right arm in a freak accident and the majority of her legs and feet are critically burned. In order to live properly, she is given a cybernetic right arm to replace the one she lost and have her feet and lower legs covered in cybernetic patches to walk properly again. Bunnie doesn't mind the changes on her, but she has trouble with them at first. Bunnie can shield herself with her cyborg arm and can use her feet as rockets to fly to greater heights. Bunnie is invited to Knothole to help Sally's team because not only her powers are focused on machines and technology, but also her skills are amplified by cybernetic patches and the cyborg right arm. Bunnie unlike some cyborg mutants or technology-obsessed thugs has no intention of using her abilities for world domination or crime waves. Bunnie has emotional feelings for Antoine and helps him stop the Egg Army Legionnaires from causing so much trouble. Sonic and Sally get along with her, Mighty and Ray have a well-balanced friendship with her, but Sticks barely trusts her.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Character Origins Part 2: Mighty, Ray, Bunnie and Antoine.Where stories live. Discover now