Chpt. 1;This Love This Hate

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                                                                   +*~*+ Kayla's P.O.V +*~*+

(There is a picture of Kayla :3)

           I was searching the YouTube app on my iPad mini, and I stumbled upon 'Swan Songs' album by Hollywood Undead. I decide to go to the first song, 'Undead' and it was a bit- out of my style. But I'm all about the new rock/punk music. I wanted to show my mom and dad this new band, but why would they care? I mean, when I was at the school dance, they didn't even bother picking Kate and I. And they say Kate is the good version of me, but turns out she is just as bad as me. She just listens to country around mom and dad. On the other side of the story, she listens to rap. And... she pins all of her mistakes on me. Kate gets a bad grade, I kept her up all night. She gets detention for back-talking to the teachers, I told her to do it for $16. But the truth is, I would never do that to her. And whenever I tell them on Kate doing stuff to me is, "Stop lying!" from them. And I never do anything bad y'know?

          Anyways.... I just felt hated, because Kate's the center of attention. And I deal with bullies and pain, and what does she deal with? Candy and love, and the rest is without a care in the world. So, I get the dirt road, and she gets the limos in life. I had a friend older than me. His name was Danny, but then he stopped talking to me when he got to go on tour with his band. I never really knew what actually happened to him, and I don't even know if he moved or what. I also had a friend when I was 12, and his name was Tobias Rogers. Toby got bullied too, and then last year he moved to Michigan. Do you know how weird it is when all your friends go away when you need them the most? Well, I needed Danny to stop me from going insane, but I did anyway. When I needed Toby to help me with our project, the 'cool' kids accepted him as their friend. Kate's popular, and I'm the outcast. I wonder what it feels like to be popular, must feel great. No one back stabbing you, or leaving you. No one calling you 'freak' or 'weird'.

I wonder what they would feel like if I put them in my place

         I want the hate to stop. I want it to stop at school, on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I have one friend, and his name is Slender. He's not real to them, but to me. I wait for my time to shine above all, but I guess it will never come. Because the hate's too strong. Too much for me to stay.

   ~-_-~Next Day~-_-~     

               Another boring and horrible day at school will never get my minds off of things. And forgetting my book-bag on the step, great. Just what I need. I wish they would make life easy for me for one simple day. Thanks for the memories, world! [F.O.B reference :3] My Social Studies test a D, and I forgot to study for the Math test today. And.... someone poured chocolate milk down my back at breakfast. Probably Kate because she was behind me in the line.

         Gym is always my favorite hour,it's 4th hour. The hour before lunch, which I don't eat. But it is a Friday, and they usually have pizza. But they don't have pizza, they have chicken instead. So, like always, I didn't eat. I weigh about 80 pounds, and doctors say I'm dangerously underweight for my age. It's just from me being, like, the pickiest eater in the world. I barely eat any of my food, and I'm always told to though.

         I hear the bell ring, meaning the lunch hour was over. Now I go to English, since I'm actually from Austria. And yet, I think it's fun? It is, because then I'm acting 'normal' around this school. I wish this was my last hour, because I really want a muffin. And listen to Hollywood Undead again. But then I don't want this to be my last hour, because of Kate and them.

~_~_~ Third Person P.O.V.~_~_~

      Kayla's 6th hour was almost over, and what she didn't know was three boys were planning a prank on her. What they were going to do was dump water on her.

~_~_~ Kate's P.O.V. ~_~_~

      WHY DO I HAVE TO GET THE BAD GRADES?!?! Why can't it be Kayla? I can blame it on her again, right? I totally do that. But why do I feel bad for her whenever I do it? I cannot feel guilty, I never do. But, I won't be the one grounded. And she's already a 'terrible' sister, so it'll be alright. It can't be that bad. Heh, I guess I better think up of something before the end of school. Only 2 more classes to go, come on Kate... Think of something!

~_~_~ Kayla's P.O.V. ~_~_~

~ In 7th Hour ~

      Almost over! I'm just waiting for this stupid bell to ring. Math is so easy, and boring when you know all of the answers. And... the bell saves the day! Or just me... Eh, doesn't matter. Not now. Going to Language Arts. I was a top student, and I didn't have to even study or try.  This class will go by fast, and I know it.

      As I knew it, L.A went by fast. I just have to walk 3 blocks with annoying Kate. She just yaps and yaps about Dustin... her boyfriend. He's 2 years older, and way too shy. But this time it's different. She's just smirking at me, is there something she's planning? Because she barely does this. I guess I'll have to find out. But, I don't think she'll be able to make it out alive...

__________ After Walking Home __________

      "Why do you have to bribe Kate, young lady?!" my mom yelled. Now I know why she was smirking. I have to defend myself.

      "I-I di-didn't...." I stammered.

      "I don;t know what your problem is Kayla, but you better fix it. And it better happen fast." Dad explained.

      I snapped, "Do you really want to know what my problem is? It's you two always taking Kate's side, and rewarding her when she doesn't need it! And you know what?! I'm sick of it! Sick of Kate, sick of everything. Even you two. You were never there for me, only Kate! I want love, but it's always hate, hate, hate! She's the angel, and you look at me like I'm a nobody! I hate li-" I'm cut off.

      "Get out." mom and Kate said in unison. I can't believe it. Me? I only spoke what's true, and this is how they pay me back? I need someone. Danny. I need him to help, but he's not here. No one's here when I fall...

      And I fell, and burst into tears, "N-Nobody-y's here wh-when I-I fall." I need to stop, I don't need them. "I don't need you. You don't need me. The one who keeps you sane, when I'm drifting away. And this is how you pay me back? How pathetic." Completely insane now. I get up, and smack Kate across the face, "Thanks for the memories... Who are you going to blame whenever you fail 9th grade?"

       I run up the stairs, and grab a book bag. I empty it out, and put stuff I need in there. Like my phone and its portable phone charger. Few bottles of water, and some money. Does it look like I need new clothes? Probably, but I'm an outcast, so no one will care. I'm not even going to school anymore. My choices now. I open the window, and push the screen out. I forgot 3 things. And I go under my bed, and I get a knife, a new notebook, and a lot of pencils. Perfect. I go back over to the window, and jump. I run towards the forest, but look back for a minute of two. I'll never miss this place, and it won't miss me.

One thing goes through my mind when I wonder throughout the forest,'I'm free now.'

Free from the hate, bullies, and reality. Free from Kate, free from them.

(Just a random story!)

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