Chpt. 2; On the Lonely Streets of Sunset, Nah Actually It's Hollywood

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(Lol. Like me fancy title? X3)

                                      —•~#Kayla's P.O.V#~•—
     Walking with the few items in my bag, I was getting whistles. I didn't quite like it, and thought about heading back "home". But, I couldn't, I changed everything. Then, the background tv noise caught my attention.

     "Missing; Kayla Marie Anderson age 14, 89 pounds, 5'1, brown hair, and brown eyes gone missing. If found, please contact the police."

     I cursed under my breath, I had to get out of Los Angeles. My body jolted with a spark and I just started gunning for Sunset. Where I knew Danny's friend, Jordan would be.

     I've been running for five minutes, I dropped a few unimportant things, which made my duffle bag a little lighter. Not much though. I'm on the run. I needed to get to his house faster. I picked up my speed, a burning sensation in my lungs. My head spinning, I couldn't keep up longer. I was already halfway through Hollywood. Similar streets and faces came and by as I sped through for my destination. About a mile away I heard sirens.

     Turning my head and slowing only a bit, I saw a police car, a second one behind them. I looked forward, gaining a plan in my head.

     I passed into the cemetery, taking two lefts, one right, and another left. I realized I lost them. I looked up at the smallish tree, it's figure being illuminated by the moonlight. I threw my bag safely on a limb, dragging myself up there. I would stay here, waiting for everyone to exit the streets.

     I took out my pastel blue and pink baby blanket, wrapping the fabric around my shoulders, keeping me a little warm as it could.

I realized, I can't go to Jordan's place. He'll think I'm a damn psychopathic crazed fan girl. I guess I'm stuck walking the streets. I'm never going to find a good home.

Two hours have passed, I have been shivering my butt off. I haven't ate snacks, and I'm saving them for later. I put my blanket up and decided to find a nice, secret alleyway. I'll be safe....... Hopefully.

Walking, just, walking. All the alleys so far are crap and to noticeable for me. I look in a, probably 7 1/2 inch opening to one, with a turn that could hide me from everyone, because it blends in with the painted black shops. Perfectly fit for me.

I settle down, putting my stitched up pillow from my great, great grandma, a hand-me-down, on the corner of my tattered up sheet I brought. Pulling out my three-quarter charged phone, 4:13 am I read. I put it back into my bag, curling up in a ball so that my baby blanket would be able to drape over my whole body. I didn't think that the streets would be that cold at night, considering this is my first night running away.

     Awaking in the cold November air, the wind bites at my skin once I get up, chilling me to the bone. I felt numb in my toes and fingers, thinking it of frost bite. I pushed the thought aside and folded my blanket into a little square. Setting it right by my bag. I scavenged through my bag, looking for the change I put in there.

     To my luck I found one 5 dollar bill, knowing I have more in there, so I don't worry. I plan on to buy a blanket after I dress. I pull off my shirt, leaving my tank top on. I settle for a Hollywood Undead shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black cap that says 'Los Angeles' on it.

     Taking the $5, I put it in my pocket and jog out to the entrance to my temporary home for now, the alley.

     Taking a deep breath in, I see hardly anyone here. I jump out and run to a shop that's like a block away. I search for what I want, seeing many blanket with designs, some cheap as one dollar, some expensive as twenty dollars.

     But this one caught my eye...

     It was a fluffy, heavy blanket, $2.50. Then I could buy two. I roll with it and pick them up as best as I could and took them to the front desk.

     Remembering that people will be looking for me, I tilt my head down. The elderly lady says "5 dollars please." I hand her the bill and tell her 'Thank you' and jog out with the fabrics in my arms.

     It didn't take me that long to get to the entrance, looking both ways, no cops, no nothing. Perfectly safe.

     Stuffing into the blankets, I felt warmer and safer than I ever was. Just like I was with Danny before he left.

     I whisper before I fall asleep once more, "I miss you, Danny.."

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