Darkness - Grell

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I blink. Did I always have eyes? Still Darkness.

"Ahh... such a pretty color!"

I know that wasn't me, I didn't feel my lips move. Do I have lips?

"I know that you are not dead sweetheart. You might as well open your eyes."

I blink again. This time a dim light. Once more.

I see a blurry red smudge, surrounded by grey. My vision slowly clears.

"Finally! I was beginning to think that you would never open your eyes!!" said the strange man leaning over me.

"W-who are you?" I croak. Why did my throat hurt so much?

"Who am I? My dear, I am Grell Sutcliff. Grim Reaper at your service." The man jumped up and spun in a circle, making his red coat twirl with him.

"Where am I?" I asked as I sat up and looked around.

"Why, you are in London!" Grell exclaimed.

"London? But how did I get here?" I mussed to myself. I looked up to see Grell looking at me weird. "What?"

"Well my dear. Isn't it customary to give your name to someone you haven't met before?" He said with a sneer, showing off his rather sharp teeth.

"Ahh, I apologize, I don't seem to be myself today. My name is _______ _______." I say meekly, unable to believe that I forgot such a simple part of conversation etiquette.

*Please Comment!! If you want a certain character done please let me know!!*

Black Butler  Various x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें