The Color Red - Grell

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Sorry for a late update!! I have been studying for finals and I had writers block on this for a while. I am currently writing several fanfics at once, and I have a second chapter for the Ciel section in this series, that should be done soon as well. So expect an update soon!

Now last time... You had just woken up to Grell in an alley in London!

I sat up slowly. Why did I hurt so much? My whole body aches. I noticed that I was wearing a long green dress, stockings, and black shoes. I could hear Grell giggling and babbling in the background. I wasn't paying attention to him, as I was trying to figure out where the pain was coming from. Starting from my feet, I worked my way up, feeling my joints and searching for bruises. By the time I reached my shoulders, all I had noticed was that my back and shoulders were sore. My hands crept up my throat to my face, but I stopped a few inches from my chin. There was a dry, flaky, substance covering my throat and chin.

"Ah, yes. Such a lovely color that coats your fair skin."

I jumped as Grell appeared over my shoulder. He grabbed my chin and turned me to face him. "W-what happened to me?" I whispered. With a confused look he stepped back, "You mean you don't remember?" He gasped. "No... should I?" I asked, now very curious, seeing that the man who had not stopped talking since I woke up, was now silent.

"We need to bring you to William." He stated as he grabbed my arm to make me stand. The next thing I knew we were at the door to a building that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Grell opened the door and pulled me through after him. I stumbled through and gasped as I looked up, there were hundreds of people walking around or sitting at desks. They were all either typing on computers or carrying around gardening tools and books. As I stood there staring, my vision blurred. Shouldn't I be wearing glasses? Now that was a weird thought, I wonder why that popped into my head. I rubbed my eyes and saw a dark-haired be-speckled man stalking toward Grell with a furious look in his eyes.

"GRELL! What is the meaning of this?" He yelled as he wacked the redhead with what looked like an extendable tree pruner. "Oh, William-darling! If you would just let me explain." Grell pouted as he grasped the now large knot on the top of his head. The one named William sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go ahead Grell, but you had better have a good reason for bringing her here."

"Well Will, she is a new Reaper!" Grell exclaimed as he spun in a circle, clapping his hands. I spun to look at him, "I'm a what?" Both men ignored my outburst, which caused me to grumble under my breath. "And how did you find her?" William asked, he actually sounded intrigued." "She was on my 'To die list'! So of course I was following her, but she disappeared from my book. Which prompted me to watch her closer. You see she was supposed to get hit by a carriage, but before she reached that street she walked into a building." Grell continued to explain to William what happened. I tuned him out as I looked around the room that is till I heard something that I couldn't believe. "And then she jumped from the roof."

Wait, I committed suicide? But then why am I still alive?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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