Class in session

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I walk in class but I was late bc I stopped at Starbucks and got me a drink after my 5th time reordering cuz they couldn't get it right the first time.
But anyway I was late and the teacher said, "why are u late miss" I said "cuz I didn't wanna come early duhh" errbody laughed she told me to sit down by this fine ass boy he was light skin shoe game and he can dress wow. So after class he ask me my name I said oh my name is Mekenze .
MakenzeOh my name blu maybe we could hang out some time. Wait here's my kik : thanks OK by I hopped in my Porsche again before I could pull off blu stop me he ask if he could have a ride I said yes sure hop in. After that he asked to come to his house I said OK so we went to his house and I went in his room and sat down. When he came he said I was really pretty and funny and heckle that so he said he had feeling and I told him I did to he said OK cool so we talked and joked for a while and I lost track of time I got a text from my mom saying "where r u "and 6 missed calls and another saying "bring ur ass home now" and she sent that 4 hours ago I told by I had to leave the he OK so I left and when arrived she was like we're where u I lied and said at the store picking stuff up for friends and she said OK go to bed. So I went to bed and blue text me but my mom took my phone so okay went to sleep.

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