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It feels like a dream and the time passes very fast with him. It's already 3 mouth after our first anniversary and my love for him grows day by day. Jimin Opps is a kind, cute, handsome and cool guy. He's also a very caring guy, he always cares and treats people really well but sometimes he can be really a pervert. It may sounds over but he is an angle on earth. I can find a better person than him and I can't be happier. Having him by my side makes me happy. Oh and by the way! There's a girl, her name is Hana. She's just 16 years old and is so cute! She just moved to sopa school and goes to G.10A. Jin Oppa is always with her and takes care of her. They both look really cute together and I'm happy for them! BTS keep teasing them like they did with me and Jimin before ㅋㅋㅋ
I'm lying on bed, thinking how good my life at the moment is. I then look at my alarm clock...
"Omo! I'm going to be late!" I yell lightly and run to my bathroom to take a short shower and get ready for school. After I finish I realise that I have still time left so I take my time. I go downstairs and have breakfast with my family. When I finish I say good bye to my parents and my eonnie before walk slowly to our doorstep, already happy to see Jimin Oppa standing there waiting for me while listening to music. But when I open the door step...I can't see him
"Hm...where is he?" I talk to myself, standing there where he uses to wait for me every morning. I look at my watch, 30 minutes left until the class begins. "Maybe he overslept" I'm sure he overslept but it's weird. All the years he never oversleeps. I think I should wait for him.
I look at my watch and I've already wait 15 mintues. He's really late and our class will begins in 15 minutes. Should I knock on his doorstep? Before I decide to walk to his house the doorstep is opened and then there is him. I smile when I see him but why does he looks so cold? He walks to my direction since our school is in this way. He doesn't even listen to music...it's really weird. He looks surprise when he notices me.
"Oh Yebin, you're still here?" He asks
"Of course...where have you been?" I ask him, I swear something is wrong with him. He just looks coldly to me but then he forces a smile. It's a fake smile.
"Minahae, I overslept. Let's go school, we will be late." He says and walks, lets me standing behind. He doesn't even waiting for me like always...Maybe he's worrying about something and I need to cheer him up!

Skip time

Ok I'm sure something is wrong with Jimin Oppa. Today in our class his mind was not with him. He keeps looking outside with window and was caught by our teacher and he also got punishment. And when it was lunch he just sit there and eating his lunch, didn't talk and laugh with his friends and when I look at him he escaped my eyes. It hurted me but I'm worry about him more. So I decide to ask him after school. Now we're walking home together but he doesn't hold my hand like always but it's ok because I totally understand him. He walks in front of me and I follow him behind. I take a deep breath before reaching to touch his arm to stop him from walking. He turns around and looks at me surprisingly. We both make eye contact for a short time before he looks at our hands.
"Oppa...What happened? Gwenchana?" I hold both of his hands and looks into his eyes and he also looks at me. "You were weird today, you alwas looked sad and cold. Did something bad happen? Please tell me if you want to share it with someone. I'm here for you." I say worriedly. I can feel my eyes heats up because I feel bad for him. He just smiles a bit and frees himself from my grip. He then rubs my hair like I'm a little puppy and smiles
"Gwenchana, I just have stress. Don't worry, I will get well soon." I don't know but I can feel he lies to me...but I just nod as a yes "Let's meet at gangnam park at 04:30 pm" He suggest and I nod happily. It's our favourite place and I'm always happy to go there! He then smiles a bit and walks away with me follow him behind...

I'm doing my homework, still wearing my school uniform. A white short sleeve blouse with a black bow and a black skirt. I would alwas change my clothes after finish my homework. But when I look at my watch it's already 04:15 pm. I quickly wear my light blue jacket and leave my room.
"I will be back soon eomma! I'm going out with Jimin Oppa!" I yell and leave my house and run to gangnam park which is just 10 minutes away from my house. Weird, why don't Jimin Oppa and I walk there together? Nevermind. When I arrive there I notice him sitting on the bench where we both use to sit everytime when we are here. I smile to myself before walk slowly and carefully behind him. I tap his right shoulder before lean my face to his left shoulder. He turns to the right side to see who it was and when he turns to the left side he meets my eyes. I smile at him and he looks suprise to see me before smiles too. I then take a sit next to him. He also wears the uiform but without the jacket. A white long sleeve blouse with three bottons open and a black pants. We both watch the view and it's quiet for a while. I take a look at him and his cold expression is back. I think we should get some ice cream to cheer him up.
"Oppa-/Yebin-" We both speak at the same time. I chuckle but his expression is...serious.
"I have something to tell you." He says and I nod. I feel uneasy somehow. I don't like his expression. He looks straight before turns to the left side to face me. I look straight in his eyes and curious what's he going to say because he looks really serious and it scares me. "Let's break up." Suddenly I feel a huge pressure on my chest like a big rock just falls on me. Also a sharp pain on my heart like I get a bullet on it. I can't breath like I'm drowning. I can feel my eyes heat up and tears are forming in my eyes. I still look into his eyes hoping he was just kidding but he looks serious. I laugh, hiding my sadness.
"Oppa, stop make joke! Hahaha" I laugh and look at him but his expression's still the same. Is he serious...?
"I'm not kidding Yebin. Let's break up" I look at him confusely, can't believe what he just said. Our relationship was very good and why so sudden? Tears are already running down my on cheeks.
"W-Waeyo?" I ask him with my shivering voice. He doesn't answer but lets out a sigh. "Oppa, wae?!" I almost yell at him because he doesn't answer me. When I look into his eyes there are just emptiness...
"I don't have feeling for you anymore." His stare is so cold. My heart hurts so much. I feel like the world stops moving. Everything stops at the moment, everything. Suddenly I feel so weak but I try to be strong so that I'm able to talk to him although my tears are running non-stop.
"I don't believe you." I answer, try to control my shiver voice. "I don't believe you!" I repeat
"It's the truth Yebin."
"You bored me." He says coldly. At that moment I don't dare to hold back my feeling anymore. His words hurt me so much, too much to handle. I sob loudly in front of him while looking into his cold eyes.
"Oppa, you're hurting me! Please stop say something like that!"
"Tell me!"
"I found another girl!" He yells at me, causing my body to shivers because of his loud yelling. My heart breaks into pieces and I won't be able to heal it. My tears are running non-stop, my body shivers. I try to stand up from the bench, my legs are so weak. I stand there and look down at him who looks coldly away from me.
"M-Mwo?" My voice shivers but he just smirks and stands up to face me. Now I have to lift up my head a bit to meet his eyes. His stare can kill me. It's so cold and empty. I don't know who he is or where the old Jimin is...I want him back. Suddenly people in the park disappear because it starts to rain. It's raining lightly but Jimin Oppa and I are still here. We both are wet but we don't care.
"I found another girl Yebin. I'm in a relationship with her for a while now."
"You're lieing"
"You wish that I would lieing but I don't. Do you really think I will stuck with only one girl in my whole life? I'm a man, I need more than kisses or holding hands. That things what you prefer to do bored me. It will get bored quickly to be in relationship with a girl like you. I should move on, don't you think so too?" He looks straight into my eyes and smirks. I can't believe those words came from his mouth. So everything was lie? He always said he likes the way I am, so it was all lies? His words hurt me so much. I start to sob very hard in front of him. Why is he so mean? Why did he say something like that to me? I close my mouth with my hands because I sob too loud and I try to stop myself but it's hard. I bit my botton lips until I tast blood but it's not as painful as the pain in my heart. I take all my energy and take off the ring which he gave me on our first anniversary and throw it to him. It hits his right cheek and he automatically turns to the left side because of the pain. He then looks back at me. My whole body shivers because of the coldness and the pain. I start to sob again because the pain won't go away from my heart. I start to hit his chest because I want the pain to go away, he just stands there and lets me hit him for a while. But then he holds both of my hands to stop me, my hands stop moving. He lets go of my hands and looks into my eyes.
"Let's stop it here Yebin. Gomawoyo...for everything." He says and turns around to leave. I watch how he disppears in front of me, how his body moves away. I want to hug him and stop him but I'm too weak and I can't take it anymore. I fall on the ground because my knees are so weak. I sit there and sob loudly like a little kid. I cry all the pain out but then something comes into my mind. The ring. Where is the ring? Where did I throw it?I don't want to lose it! I'm searching for the ring while sobbing. It's raining heavy now and it's hard to search but I won't give up. The rain drops cover my face but I wipe it away from my eyes and continue looking up for it. After searching for a while I finally find it. I'm so relieve that I didn't lose it. I take it it in my hand and star to cry again while looking on it.

"I hope everything what happened today were a nightmare.
A dream which I want to wake up so badly..."

I don't if you cry after read this chapter but I cried while writing this chapter! It was very hard to describe Yebin's feeling so I imagined I were her and it hurted so much...
I hope you I made you cry hahaha
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Btw, I'm thinking about to write a new fanfic, of course after finish this one. I already published it. It's a fantasy fanfic, it calls 'Sweet Blood Love Bite' and of course the characters are BTS. I will be very happy if you guys take a look.
Thank you!
-Bin | 빈 -

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