Company & Catastrophe

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Walking alone in a crowded street,

I saw the strangest thing.

Something these supposed "gods" bring.

A colorless sky, oh my he heaved a mighty sigh.

They say the sky's the limit but I refuse to believe my limit is so dark and bleak.

I am destined for greatness.

Not dullness.



What's that saying about misery and company?

I don't quite remember but I swear it's real.

And I think this might turn into a mutiny, catastrophe.

Break my legs in agony.

This weak sky is no limit.

Lone is this supposed wolf,

But I refuse to believe one can do it all alone.

Unfortunately, my shoulders are too fragile to lean on.

They break under pressure,

Crack under distress,

But a silver lining I see one.

Somewhere past this sky that is oh so weak.

What was I saying again, today I'm a bit scatterbrained?

A few loose screws in my head.

Some red sheets in my bed.

Blood staining my hands

Thicker than mud

Yet thinner than water

Something about misery and catastrophe. Maybe a cloudless sky.

What's that saying about misery and company?

I don't quite remember but I swear it's real.

And I think this might turn into a mutiny, catastrophe.

Break my legs in agony.

This weak sky is no limit.

Misery and agony break this catastrophe

My agony is real!

Your catastrophe is real!

Their mutiny is near

It's true that misery loves company

Because there's nothing I'd rather do than watch you wail in the bloody rain.



Was I the one that coloured this sky black,


Am I the one that won't come back?


I've lost my heart!


I am someone who is no one that is everyone.

They sometimes call me catastrophic, but I swear.

The hole where my heart is to be beats perfectly.

Ice is in its place,

Just Kidding! Hahaha,

What's that saying about misery and company?

I don't quite remember but I swear it's real.

And I think this might turn into a mutiny, catastrophe.

Break my legs in agony.

This weak sky is no limit.

I think I might be sick.

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