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Lucas waved a hand in front of Alex's face. "Um, hello?"

"What?" Alex asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

 "It's just, I thought you were flirting with me, at dinner and stuff." she blushed, trailing off. It was silly of her to assume male affected equated to the attraction. 

"Oh, I was," Lucas responded easily, propping himself on his elbows, "but just to win a bet. My sister told me I was "too gay" to get a girl to like me, whatever that means, and Finn agreed! So I bet him that I could totally pass as a straight man and seduce you."

I just stared at him, then began laughing.

"Wait, then why did you ask if I was dating Harry?"

"That boy is five kinds of handsome." He laughed. 

"Didn't you just tell me you had a boyfriend?" She questioned, teasing Lucas for his sudden appreciation.

"Yeah, so? You girls do that all the time. Why can't we?"

"True," she agreed.

"Honestly, though, you two really do seem like the cutest couple. You're still in the awkward stages, I see, but you seem to really care about each other. I must ask; isn't that Harry from One Direction?"

"Uh, yeah, he is."

He actually fist-bumped the air. "I knew it!" He moved his arms behind his head before turning to face me. "How did you end up here of all places? I saw the way you showed up the reception."

Alex mirrored his position. "It's a long story." He nodded, not prying it further.

"So how did you and Finn meet, hmm?"


"Go on."

"Ok, so I was at a coffee shop-"

"That's romantic."

"And he wanted to know if my seat was taken I said no and then he sat with me, we began talking then I figured, he's not even close to straight, and well we went on a couple of dates and we've been seeing each other for about a year now!" 

"What about you and Harry?" Lucas asked.

"Oh. We're not even really together, but Cathleen seems to think we're a couple so that's likely where the misconception came from."

"I see... Well, all good things come to those who wait or something like that." He quoted. "Do me a favor?" Lucas randomly blurted out.


"Can you like make sure that I win the bet?"

"Sure, so what do I do."

"Come closer, I can't risk anyone hearing." She scooted closer and he told me the plan. 

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