Family Bonding

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Credit to moonspirit99
'Bella pov.'
Me and the female pack have been on base for about a month. All of the girls except for Leah imprinted on a soldier. The crazy ass bitch imprinted on Sunny and Sides. Awesome. Sam and Bumblebee have been trying to get me to go on a double date with them but my creators don't approve of anyone. Neither do I really. The only person(or mech) I want to date is Optimus. Yep, I like the Prime. Bad idea. Oh well, he's sexy.

"Bella! We caught a cold one's scent." Mari says as she runs in the room.

"Damn. It's probably dickward still looking for me. Tell Leah as soon as she wakes up." I grumble as I walk out of my personal quarters and into the huge rec room.

"Hi carrier, hi sire. Have Sam and Bumblebee found anymore unworthy suitors?" I ask jokingly. They share a look and sire lifts me to their huge table.

"How would you feel if we told them yes?" Carrier asks with a smile.

"Really? To who?!" I ask in shock.

"Optimus." Sire answers carefully. I blush and squeak.

"D-did you know about my crush?" I ask. Carrier snorts and nods.

"Obviously, we're your creators." He says with a smirk. I groan and put my face in my hands.

"K, well I'm gonna go talk to him, don't listen in or I'll know." I say teasingly as Sire sets me down.

"Use protection!" Carrier screams as I jog away with a blush on my face. I turn the corner and nearly run into Optimus's holoform.

"Oh, excuse me Bella, I was just looking for you." Optimus says with a smile. I blush and look down.

"Uh, me too. I wanted to talk about our date?" I ask with a shy smile.

"I was thinking-" He's cut off as an alarm starts blaring. We look at eachother and run to the main hanger. His holoform fizzles out and he transforms.

"What's happening?" He asks.

"We don't know! Somethings knocking out all the cameras but we can't find a heat signature!" A soldier says frantically typing something. Oh shit.

"We need flamethrowers." I say frantically.

"C'mon B, it'd just a cold one. Well protect you." Leah jokes. The other girls chuckle and I notice someone missing.

"Where's Mari?" They freeze and look around. Jeya tenses and snarls. The other girls sniff slightly and join her.

"Stay here." Leah commands me. Her and the girls run out of the hanger before shifting.

"Why is Leah so concerned?" Optimus asks.

"I think I know who took Mari." I mumble darkly. I walk over to my locker and pull out hairspray and a lighter. There's a roar and the hanger doors are thrown open as Leah, in wolf form, is tossed through them. She yelps and stands up shakily. Then HE walks through the doors.

"Edward! What the fuck?" I scream as I rush to Leah.

"Bella! Thank God I found you I-" I cut him off by pulling a lighter out of my pocket. His smile drops and I flick it on.

"Get away from her." I snarl. I hear a gasp and see Sunstreaker and Sideswipe looking at Leah in horror. She gives them a pained smile and turns to snarl at Edward.

"Bella love what's wrong? What did they do to you?" He asks.

"They didn't do anything! They're my family and they love me, unlike you!" I shout. He snarls and rushes towards me. I squeal as he clamps a hand around my wrist and tosses away the lighter. He starts pulling me away and I scream.

"Creator!" There's silence for a few seconds before a silver form is blocking the hangar door with murderous optics.

"Carrier." I whimper.  There's a snarl and Leah, in wolf form tackles Edward while he's distracted. I back away and my back hits solid metal. I loom up with teary eyes at Optimus. He scoops me up and brings my bruised wrist to his optics.

"Are you alright?" He asks over the sound of Edward screaming in pain. By now the other girls are back and are circling them as Leah tears him apart.

"I guess so. Probably need to see Ratchet though." I mumble. He nods and Carrier and Sire rush over.

"Oh Bella." Sire mumbles as Optimus hands me to him. Carrier brushes my face with a digit and I lean into it.

"So that was the crazy ex." Ironhide mumbles. I nod and giggle as Carrier rubs my head.

"I guess we should take her to Ratchet." Sire mumbles. Carrier nods and looks at Optimus.

"You coming boss bot?" He asks. Optimus nods and we leave the main hanger to go to the med bay. When we walk in Ratchet's fussing over some medical supplies. He looks up and walks over.

"What happened to her?" He asks as Sire sets me on a berth. Ratchet transforms and his holoform pops up in front of me. My creators and Optimus follow suit and they crowd around me.

"Her vampire ex boyfriend." Carrier mumbles. Ratchet tsks and wraps something around my wrist.

"Try not to move your wrist too much." He orders. I nod and he goes to get me some pain meds.

"Never liked that guy." Sire grumbles as Optimus rubs my back.

"I know sire." I giggle.

"It's too bad you can't turn into your robot mode yet. It would have lessened the damage and you probably could have fought him yourself." Ratchet says as he returns with a glass of water and an orange medicine bottle.

"Take 2 a day until the arm is healed." He instructs before shooing us out of the med bay.

"Are we still on for tonight? Sam will be upset if we cancel." I tell Optimus. Sire and Carrier disappear around a corner. How convenient.

"If you are feeling well?" He asks.

"Definitely. You and Bumblebee can pick us up at my room at say...6?" I ask.

"6 sounds perfect. I'll see you then." He confirms before setting me down outside the mess hall. I walk inside with a smile on my face. I walk over to Sam and hug him.

"You're the best friend EVER!" I squeal.

"I had a feeling you would say that." He says as I let go.

"Optimus and Bumblebee are gonna pick us up at my room at 6 so we should probably get ready now." I tell him.

"Alright, let's grab some stuff from my room and we can head over there." He suggests. I nod and we walk out of the mess hall.

"Where is everyone?" I ask as we walk to his room.

"Leah and the girls are teaching a class on how to fight vampires. Well, at least how to fend them off long enough for help to arrive." Sam explains. I frown and look around. Usually there's at least two people around. I hear something behind us and I whip around.

"Bella?" Sam questions. I turn back around and open my mouth. I'm cut off by an ice cold hand slamming down over my mouth. Sam let's out a muffled cry and two voices hiss out.

"There was only supposed to be one!" A female voice fretts.

"I can have the boy as a snack." Laraunt. No. The vampire holding me squeezes my throat and everything starts going dark. If I could just access my comm. I could send out an emergency ping and they could track my location. Come on Bella, activate your techo organic powers. I concentrate hard. Optimus. Optimus can help. I feel a pulse and I blink. I did it! I smile before I succumb to the dark.

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