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I had been able to reach the river on my own, and to Marina's pleasure, Lance was all hers.

You can have him, you're both perfect for each other.

I thought about handing them the award for Perfect Pair  while he let her hop off once we were a few feet from the water. Not wanting to stick out, I tried to help Marina unpack, but she snatched the bag away and didn't bother making eye contact.

"Marina," I quietly said her real name, and her eyes shot up. I didn't want to do it, I never wished to play mind games with anyone, especially not someone who clearly has a crippling mentality with a crumbling tower of sanity, but I knew I could manipulate her into being on my side for the time being.

But I can't. I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it. It's wrong.

Could it be worse than you have been put through? The voice of survival askes, and I roll my eyes.

She hasn't done anything to me, it's all Lance.

Then do this to get away from him. She wants him all to herself, hell knows why, so do this in order to leave. Make some friends.

I clear my throat as Marina eyes Lance from the distance, making sure he can't hear a word of what I was going to say.

"I thought...weren't we sisters? I thought you were my big sister?" I asked, and felt my heart sink into an ocean so black and sticky that it hurt to even stare at her straight.

This is evil of me. Mentally I shook my head. No, it's survival.

A soft hand took my wrist, and cocking my head up, I saw Marina pull me closer while handing me the bag so we both could see what was inside.

"We are, we always will be, but you have to listen to me." She smiled, which somehow ended up causing chills down my spine. How quick can a person change with the right words, scary almost.

Forcing a little nod, I say, "Y-yes, I know. I'm still really sorry for your mirror...I didn't know it meant so much to you."

You conceited brat.

Her smile tightened at the mention of it, but seeing my doe eyes wide and bright only made her see me as a child, too. These were one of the times I suppose appearing younger than I was of some use to me.

She let go of me then started pulling towels, underwear, and clothes out, setting them aside on a rock. Without seeming like a pest, I asked if we would all bathe on our own; somehow the thought came up while walking, and it's been drilling at my head if I was going to be naked with them and exposed once more to Lance. Sighing, she puts a hand to her hip, then rolls those eyes of hers again.

Great, she's back to it normal, or regular? Because she's definitely not normal.

"That would take forever, nah, it'll just be you and me, then Lance," she said while bending over to remove her shoes. Looking around I try and see where he had gone off to, but she quickly added that he was sitting over on the other side of the boulders.

"He knows you want some sort of privacy, especially since you are new and all," Marina added before letting her dress fall to her ankles. I shut my eyes and turned away, but was then followed by her giggling. "Oh, come on! You said it, we're sisters. You can  look!"

My face was turning red as she wrapped her arms around me, reached over my back, and unbuttoned my dress. Her breasts plastered mine, and I was embarrassed to admit I was feeling intimidated by how easily she could overpower me. She's definitely going to be a challenge if it came to a fist fight.

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