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Water ran down my face as I bent forward, sucking in air, then quickly flapped my hands for support. My arms tingled to the fresh air, and my hair rose as my limbs woke up then were suddenly controlled by a firm hold. I snap my head to the side, and my wet hair smacked Lance across the face. He stayed still while I stared back at him fully aware of how transparent my dress now was. Panting, I cover my breasts.

"Sorry," I say while calming down. Everything had suddenly surprised me, and I was afraid that I had been risen from the dead or something. Looking away, I see we were at the river. I was still in my dress, thank God, but he had taken off his shirt, and rolled up his jeans. Coughing to get some water out my throat, I then clear my throat, "I don't know what happened."

My eyes trailed over to his chest. Scrapes, and nail marks tore the patterns he carried on his skin; a cat had to have marked him across his entire upper body. They were painful to even look at so I turned away. Lance then muttered that Alice was pretty strong when she wanted to be.

"Why did she do that?" I slowly stood up, but slipped on the rocks below me. Again I found myself in his arms. This time, though, he flinched as I grazed his chest. "Oh, sorry," I say while trying to avoid his injuries. Minor as they were, they stung.

"It's all right, yours looks even worse," he says while touching my temple. I hiss, and quickly he apologizes.

"Ow, is that a lump?" I feel it, and try to not shut my eyes in pain while the tips of m fingers brush over the mark. "Why did she do that?" I repeat once more, then wait for an answer.

"You had upset her, though lately she seems to simply just not like you."

Geez, wonder why?

No, really, I do wonder why. I can't recall anything since yesterday.

Has she always hated me?

"I haven't done anything bad, have I?" I ask him, and he smiles inward while hugging me back into the water.

"You, I don't think that's possible," he answered as we dipped into the water.

I could feel myself float back up, but his hands kept me down right next to him. As I opened my eyes, I could hear harps playing as the air bubbled slipped out his slips with every smile he gave me. Like rope, he pulled my arm till I was right above him. We were now in the deepest part of the river. My dress went along with the current, and I swore this was what flying felt like.

As the water flowed past my ears, parts of my mind went away with the current. I wasn't fully the completed puzzle, parts were missing, and I couldn't careless about it as I stared into the butterfly boy below me.

My cheeks couldn't help but pull my lips into a smile as the sun beams shone past me, and my shadow fell over Lance. I was such a small thing compared to his figure. As I pulled him back up for air, my laughter was the only thing he could have heard. Smiling, I faced him, and as I clung on to his arms, he kissed me.

I was frozen at first, but then slowly began to gave in. The voices in my face started to bicker, but my body wasn't listening.

Run, Blanca, stop!


Why are you touching him?!

Why can't I kiss him?

Because-because, well, I don't remember why! But you can't!

Thanks to the water, I was light as a feather, and floated as he struggled to keep up. He swam us back to where he could easily stand in the water, and used his hands to tightly grip my thighs then hook them onto his hips. His mouth worked around mine, and our soft grunts only added to our heat.

Water splashes around as we lose control over whatever it was we were suppose to be doing. I for one could not even stop from separating myself from his lips. Even when he would try and move away to my neck, I would moan out for his lips, and he'd slide back up to them, giving me what I wanted.

Without warning, I bucked my hips to his, and he hissed in pain, saying he was pretty hard. I stopped at the mention of his penis, and furrowed my brows.

Right...this leads to sex.

Sex with Lance, isn't that what you were walking into? Hmm?

But I wasn't kissing Lance.

Who were you kissing then, stupid?

I look into hazel eyes, and tilt my head, and answer mentally. I was kissing the boy with blue eyes.

As if Lance knew what was going on in my head, he cupped my face, and rested his forehead over mind.

"I'll be softer this time, I promise. Pretend I'm him, Blanca, it's all right. I don't mind," his rough voice matched the way he held my thigh with his other hand. I couldn't process what he had meant by 'this time' but I did like that I could keep pretending to be with the blue-eyed boy I couldn't find a name for.

Gloss coated my eyes as a tear slid out once he entered me. My head moaned to the bright heavens that didn't mind exposing every bit of ourselves to the wilderness.

"Argh," I dug my nails into his back as he worked with the current, and thrust deeper. My dress was swaying right above my stomach as I continued to ride him. I had a free hand propped up to the stone behind him as my thighs clung to him so to not drift away.

"Faster -ah-argh, ah, please," I groaned as my mouth stayed open in a perfect O. I squealed slightly when he had pounded me up almost out of the water. With my eyes shut, and mouth parted open, he took the chance to dart his warm tongue in me, then battle it out till our lips were plum, and bruised.

"Blanca," he said my name softly as he tried to get a hold of his breath. I couldn't see him as I rested my head on his shoulder. I rode him till he matched up, and took over. I found myself soon being bouncing across the water, and hugging his neck while my voice vibrated into his ear. Wrapping both arms around my waist, right under the dress, he caused both of us to climax, and howl into the night. It was almost a dare for the wolves to come out, and try tearing us apart once more.

"Kyle!" My breathless lungs managed to whisper only one name as I hit the stars that powdered my vision, and the sad thing was I didn't know who it was.

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