Chapter 9: The ink of the Hell painter!

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So thanks for sticking with the story. I'm sorry for slow updates!! :( however, I love feedback, so all of you silent readers please speak up! Thanks for the reads votes follows and comments! Also, some idiot thought giving us lots and lots of homework was a good thing... I disagree. I'm also participating in NaNoWriMo, so I'm a bit swamped with work. Thanks!


Chapter 9: Ink of the Hell Painter!

     We stood over a field of dead bodies. Big black birds circled above us as we gazed at the bodies. The smell was disgusting, the sight was confusing. Kagome stood on her bike with Shippo in her basket. I was standing behind InuYasha and Miroku was off to my right.

   "I've never seen so many bodies! That must have been one battle... I'd hate to see what the others look like." Shippo said

   "What a surprise another field of battle in the warring states era." Kagome said sarcastically

   "You're wrong. This was not battle." InuYasha said, "something's not right, no blood! I can't pick up the scent of blood!"

   "I have a feeling this wasn't a chemical war. So why isn't there any blood?" I asked

   "It must be the work of some demon. And a very strong one if it brought this much destruction" Miroku said, "which means he must posses a shard of the shikon Jewel."

   "But I'm not sending any jewels right now." I mumbled

   "Miroku lets get something straight," InuYasha growled, "I don't intend on working with you or sharing any shards!"

   "So every man for himself, that's what your trying to say?" Miroku replied with a smirk

     I slowly backed off and pulled the bike with Kagome and Shippo over to a safe distance. I do not want to get caught in this fight... should there be one.

   "Glad we are on the same track." InuYasha glared

     They stood looking at each other for a while before Miroku turned and left, walking away to who-knows-where.

   "Too bad. He was starting to grow on me." Shippo sighed

   "Are you sure you want him to leave InuYasha?" Kagome asked

   "Yeah, his wind tunnel could really help along with battles and his reputation as a monk can help too!" I agreed

     We turned around looking for him. He disappeared when we were looking at Miroku as he was walking away. Suddenly we heard someone call for help to save them from a demon. Kagome and I exchanged glances then headed towards the noise to see InuYasha reading a scroll that a man was carrying. Wait no, not reading... smelling.

   "InuYasha, what are you doing? Why are you smelling the paper... WHY IS THAT MAN FREAKING OUT?" I asked

     When he ignored me and kept smelling the paper while the man got even more worried I growled in annoyance and turned to Kagome. We shared a look and said in unison:

   "SIT BOY!"

     InuYasha slammed into the ground, dropping the paper and yelped in pain. The man thanked us and ran away with his paper trailing behind him.

   "Whadda do that for?!" He asked with his fist raised

   "Because you were pestering the poor guy! Why were you picking on him anyway?" Kagome replied

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