Chapter Ten:Preparing

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*Spencer's POV*


It was the day. The day of our dear Ali's funeral. Found dead at the age of 16. I honestly don't know what goes through murderer's minds. I'll never understand why someone would want to take someone's life away. No matter how much you dislike them or whatever they did to you.i It's just not right. The funeral was at 10:30. Right now it was 10:14. My family and I had gotten dressed and everything. I was wearing a black flowy dress up to my knees, black pumps, simple stud earrings, and my hair was in short waves. I grabbed some toast and we went into my dad's car.

*Emily's POV*


I was feeling depressed. Today, Ali was going to be buried. My mum and I were going together. You're probably wondering what about my dad. He works in the military and I hardly get to see him.

I just couldn't believe that she was dead. I missed her so much. You see, Ali and I were closer than you thought. She held a very special place in my heart- a VERY special place..

*Hanna's POV*


Ali's funeral. Never thought that those words would be coming out of my mouth. I was dressed in black high heels covered in lace, an appropriate black dress and a basic black purse. Even after the times she had taunted me and almost every other person in the school, I'd still miss her.

*Aria's POV*


I was in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I just needed to put on my blazer. "Aria! We're going to be late!",my mum yelled. "In a minute mum!". So this was it. In all honesty I wasnt ready. I couldn't do this but I had to. I went downstairs and my mum, dad, brother and I walked out the door.


this chapter was to show how each of them were feeling and hint for something coming in the future about Emily.. x VCF i follow back bye!

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