Chapter Fifteen:-A Strikes Again!

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Enjoy xx

P.s: it's a filler chapter


*Spencer's POV*

2 Weeks had passed Toby and I had kissed and since I returned from the motel.

I was kind of glad to be back in Rosewood despite all the drama.

All the girls were happy for me when I told them about Toby and I. Well they seemed happy anyways.. I think Emily might have had a thing for Toby 'cause ever since I told her she's been a bit distant. I'm gonna talk to her about it later today.


School was over and I had called Emily over to a corner outside the school. I told her that I needed to talk to her. At first she refused and claimed she had something to do but I eventually persuaded her.

"What's this about?"she asked not seeming interested.

I cut to the point,"Did you and Toby have a thing for each other?"

"No. Toby and I are just good friends. Why would you think that?," she questioned.

"Ever since I told you about the kiss you've been very distant from me. I just thought that-"

"Yeah, I know what you thought!,"Emily retorted and walked away.

"Wha-." I sighed and made my way to my car. As I got in I wore my seat belt and was about to turn on the engine when I got a text. Beep! Beep!

Received 4:38pm from Blocked Number

Why would Emily have a thing for Toby? Oh wait she didn't tell you that she- Oh I better stay quiet!

Enjoy the rest of your day x -A

What the hell was -A talking about?

*Aria's POV*

I was so excited for tomorrow night. Ezra and I were having a date. He was taking me to an art gallery. I know it sounds like a snooze fest but it could be fun right?


"Huh?,"I said startled. "Pay attention!,"Hanna snapped. "Sorry..,"I apologised.

"As I was saying, before Aria decided to zone out, what do you think she's hiding?,"Spencer spoke.

"I don't think Emily's hiding something. We all know how -A likes to tear us apart. I'm sure it's nothing,"I assured.

"Ok then,"Spencer sighed.

We were about to continue our game of monopoly when Hanna, Spencer and I received a text. Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Let me give you a clue about Emily. She's not as trustworthy and innocent as she seems,"we all read in unison.

"Yup, there's definitely more to this.."Hanna said.

*Emily's POV*

Earlier today I called Hanna to see if she wanted to hang out but she claimed that she was helping her mum with something. Lies lies lies..

I could clearly hear Aria and Spencer whispering in the background. I have a feeling they were talking about me. I guess I felt a bit guilty for keeping that big of a secret from them for so long. But I would rather they heard it from me than from -A.

I walked up the steps to Hanna's porch and pressed the door bell. I'm guessing by the look on Hanna's face she wasn't expecting me. "Erm.. Hi Emily. About that phone call I-"

"I heard Aria and Spencer in the background. No need to make up another lie," I said simply. "I need to talk to the 3 of you.."

Hanna gladly let me in and me and the rest of the girls sat on her bedroom floor in a circle. "I've been hiding something from the 3 of you for a long time. About 2 years now..," I began slowly.

"Go on.." Aria said curiously.

"And that thing is......"


Cliffhanger!!! Well if you watched the show already then you'll know what happens next!

Sorry for the short chapter. It was more of a filler.

And I'll be gone for about 2 weeks but during those 2 weeks ill still be writing but there'll be no updates. I'm going on holidays that's why..

Anyways enjoy your day ppl! Xx


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