Chapter one// Who's with me?

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"Ouch, you're hurting me!" I screamed.

"Hold still! I need to comb your hair!" My mom screamed back. I held still while she combed my thick black hair and braided into a long fish tail braid.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes, darling," She said more concentrated in my hair than my question.

"Um... Don't you think I'm still to young to, you know, get married? Why can't I get married at 20 like the boys?" I asked, hesitantly. My mom was one of those lucky girls, who actually fell in love with the guy she married.

"No, I think your old enough now, and your going to get an amazing husband, I'm sure of it. And you know what the government says, 'the guys must be 2 years older than the girl to marry," She replied as she kissed my cheek. I nodded my head and faked a huge smile.

When she finally finished the braid, I went over to the bed and saw the dress the government gave to us.

"Go put it on!" She squealed. It was a long sleeved, yucky off white color; that stopped just above my ankles. Paired up with brown flats.

I grabbed the dress and went into the bathroom. I put the dress on, while stumbling horribly. When I put it on, it felt like it was too tight around my chest and too loose around I hips.

I left the bathroom, and walked into my room to see my mom waiting patiently on my bed.

When she saw me, her eyes bugged out of her sockets," You look gorgeous!" She ran up to I and hugged her.

"Your growing up so fast!" She exclaimed, "I bet any guy would be lucky to be paired with you."

She smiled, and started to clean up the makeup products and hair products from the bathroom.

"You have half an hour until the guards come to take you, you should go hangout with your friends one last time," She brushed her jet black hair out of her face.

She left the room. I then actually looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't really look like myself. That's how much makeup my mom put on me.
     Gosh! I hate makeup!
     I mean like I don't wear cakes of it like now, all my blemishes, the bags under my eyes, my pimples. I looked like the Brown version of Snow White.


My brown eyes popped more out, because of the eyeliner my mom put around it. And my lips were smothered in dark red lipstick.

People say I look exactly like my mom, I didn't get any of her father's looks. My brother did, with his light brown hair and my mom's dark brown eyes.

He got married 5 years ago, to a girl named Opal. His wife is nice, I guess, she just has the most annoying voice.

      They met outside of the whole, choosing ceremony thing. Which is illegal, but they somehow managed a secret relationship.

My brother told me the whole thing. He does a lot of illegal stuff, like secretly teaching me what he learns in his school. Such as hunting, camping, self-defense, academics etc. He hates how the government treats us girls.

I cautiously walked out of my room. Afraid that if I exhale the dress might rip. I lived in a small, one story house. I used to share a room with my brother, but then he moved out when he got married. (Another law.)

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