Chapter three// This is absolute Baloney

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"You literally just got sta-"

"I don't want to talk about that." I said cutting Danielle off. We were currently walking through the dark woods with a torch, and a knife. It's been like 12 minutes we've been searching for her, or maybe shorter. I was startled when I heard screaming.

"Haylan!" I screamed. "Run!" I heard her voice but didn't see her.

"Come on!" Danielle said, pushing to get in front of me. I still held the torch.


"Run!" She was running straight for us. We turned and start running, pushing away the pain it brought me, I kept on running without stopping.

"There is people in these woods, it's supposedly their territory, they threatened to turn us in for the money. I guess they have cable," She joked.

I almost stopped to stare at her, is she making a joke at a time like this. We heard footsteps behind us. We sped up.

"We can't go back to the camp," I said.

"Duh! We just can't get lost ok," Danielle took some twists and turn.

I followed, Danielle leading, dodging trees. I then decided to hide up in one. I got their attention, and they followed. I put out the torch, and it was so dark you could barely see your hand in front of your face.

We heard the crunch of leaves, then a deep voice rumbled," I know your there! Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

We stayed hidden in the leaves and branches of the trees. We didn't dare make a sound, scared they'll notice us, up in this tree.

They finally went away, we stayed in the tree a for couple of minutes; to make sure it wasn't a trap. We climbed down, and joined Danielle on finding our way back to the camp. It took a while, without the torch being lit. We finally made it back, after a couple of hours. The girls were still laying there; sound asleep. We sat on the log by the fire.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Haylan asked.

"Don't worry about the future, and focus on the present," Danielle dismissed her question.

"Now your on watch with Arielle, I'm tired," she demanded Haylan. Haylan just nodded, while Danielle tried to make herself comfortable on the ground.

"Thirty, to twenty-four, now ten," Haylan said doubtingly a moment after Danielle went to sleep.

I sighed, annoyed," You know if you had no faith in us, then why did you even join in on this?!?"

"Because... Because I never believed in the government, and how they uh, treated us girls," she stuttered. Then we went back into silence. "Look I'm sorry, I just really want this to work, and I was scared that you were winging this. Since you kinda always do that at school," She explained.

"But that's school, ok. This actually something important to me. And this is extremely too serious to wing, so yeah," I explained, she nodded her head.


"Wake up!" Someone was shaking me awake. I wiped the crust out of my eyes. It was Talia, she must've been on watch right now.

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