Chapter 10: Voices

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Words couldn't describe how excited Snowpaw was feeling. We've reached Highstones. We've really reached Highstones. Well, they hadn't quite reached Highstones; several fields of green and thick hedgerows separated them from their next milestone, but they were nearly there.

Even from here, the white tom couldn't help but marvel at the majestic beauty of the tall, steep, stone slopes that jutted up towards the cloudy sky. At the peaks of the great mountains was a thin covering of, what appeared to be, snow? Snowpaw frowned, how was it that it was snowy at the top, yet not on the ground here, or even the lower parts of the mountains?

Before he could wonder any further, Dewpaw's urgent mew cut through his thoughts, "Snowpaw, Amberpaw? What are those?"

Snowpaw stood on his paws, craning his neck to try and catch a glimpse of what the dark grey tom was referring to. From his left, he heard Amberpaw mutter, "StarClan knows."

But when the snowy-furred apprentice caught sight of what Dewpaw had pointed out, he couldn't help but grin knowingly. Creatures with fluffy white pelts and short black legs were grazing in the next field. In Snowpaw's eyes, they were the most unassuming creatures he'd ever seen.

"They're sheep," he meowed confidently, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his bright amber eyes, "Mudpaw, a WindClan apprentice, told me about them," he strode ahead of his brother, who had completely stopped in his tracks, "They're harmless."

Amberpaw gave him an unconvinced looks, "If you say so," she mewed cautiously, eyeing the fluffy white creatures warily. Snowpaw smiled, giving a nod before taking the lead of the group again.

Dewpaw didn't complain and just fell in behind Snowpaw, alongside Amberpaw. The snowy-coloured tom let his eyes wander to the path ahead, quickly spotting some twoleg posts jutting out of the ground, a thin strand of tendril stretched between them.

Snowpaw frowned, it looked like something they'd seen in twoleg place, except there had been no thin tendril there, a wooden plank taking over the role of the tendril. It appeared to be keeping the sheep in their field, but what would twolegs want with sheep?

I guess we'll never understand twolegs. Glancing over at his littermates, Snowpaw bounded on ahead, trying to look as confident as he possibly could. If his estimations were correct, they'd be able to creep under the thin tendril without getting caught and be able to walk out the other side, perfectly fine.

"And with luck," he muttered under his breath, "The sheep won't give us any bother."

He gave a sharp flick of his tail, beckoning for his littermates to follow, before dropping low and slithering under the tendril. Sharp silver 'thorns' that Snowpaw hadn't noticed before began to tug at Snowpaw's pelt, but he managed to squeeze out before he got too caught up.

Shaking himself free, he noticed several tufts of long white fur had now attached themselves to the tendril. Oops.

It was Dewpaw's turn next. The dark grey tom looked perfectly calm, in fact a little amused by the strands of white fur that now made up the thin tendril.

Pressing his belly against the ground, he slid under the tendril easily, like a fish through water, and stepped out the other side looking pleased with himself.

Now just Amberpaw left. The grey-and-white apprentice looked a little nervous at the concept, not the silver thorny tendril, but the fact that awaiting them on the other side were sheep. Despite Snowpaw having told her they were completely and utterly harmless, she still seemed a little wary.

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