Chapter 19: Snow

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A quarter-moon passed quicker than the flick of a tail. Every day, every step they took, was bringing them closer to the end of their journey, to ThunderClan, home. Not much of interest had happened in the last moon, they had managed to catch enough prey to sustain themselves, Redpaw and Dewpaw had grown ever closer and Tinycloud still hadn't kitted.

Snowpaw sighed, stretching in the light of early dawn. They had passed through the Old Forest a few days ago and were now just entering the shadows of the Mountains. Not long until we pass through the mountains, Snowpaw thought to himself as he rose to unsteady paws.

The travelling cats had taken shelter in a hollowed out thorn bush for the night and though it had been full when Snowpaw had fallen asleep, it was now empty apart from one or two warriors having a lie in whilst they could. Wow, everyone else is up early!

The snowy-white coloured tom emerged from the shadows of their temporary home and into dawn's pale light, shivering at the sudden change of temperature. Beneath his paws, the frosty grass crunched as he made his way over to where Amberpaw was sharing a rabbit with Whitepaw under a great spreading sycamore.

He smiled warmly at the two she-cats, offering them a friendly greeting when he reached their sides, "Good morning, well, a bit cold for my liking," he lifted his head to the clouded sky above, amber eyes scanning the sky, "I think it's going to snow soon."

Amberpaw scoffed, rolling her eyes, "You've been saying that for the last half moon or so, I don't think it's going to snow now," she rest her tail in mock comfort on the white tom's shoulder, "Though I think it may start raining sheep soon, they've been disappearing for days now," she glanced up at the sky, "It's only a matter of time."

Snowpaw snorted, amber eyes glittering with amusement. He poked his sister playfully, "Well, don't come crying to me when you wake up covered in snow."

"Oh, I won't," the grey-and-white she-cat assured him, "Because I won't need to, because it's not going to snow."

Snowpaw tossed his head, avoiding eye contact with his littermate as he padded away, "If you say so."

The white apprentice trotted over to the makeshift fresh-kill pile and delicately picked up a small mouse between his teeth, carefully carrying it back to the shade of a young oak tree. Feeling a sudden rush of hunger, Snowpaw quickly gulped down the meal in several mouthfuls, quickly dispersing of any leftover bones or fur by brushing it under a nearby juniper bush.

"Mind if I join you?" a small mew sounded from behind Snowpaw.

The young tom jerked his head up, glancing over his shoulder to see a small pale brown she-cat with wide amber eyes peering at him inquisitively. Mousepaw.

The ThunderClan apprentice threw the younger apprentice a reassuring smile, "Sure," he meowed warmly, beckoning with a gentle flick of his tail to the spot beside him.

Mousepaw warily stepped forward, settling herself down a few tail-lengths away from Snowpaw. In her jaws she carried a fresh finch, its lifeless body swaying as she set it down on the earthy forest floor.

"Thank you," came Mousepaw's quiet murmur as she tucked into her prey. Snowpaw watched the pale brown she-cat inquisitively, ears pricked forward in mild interest.

After quickly swallowing her meal, the pale brown she-cat turned to Snowpaw beside her, eyes wide with quiet curiosity, "Is it true?" she asked him, voice soft and reminding Snowpaw slightly of Seedflight, "That you're part of a prophecy and you're destined to return SkyClan to the lake?"

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