Chapter 1

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Today is the day. The day I go back to my little Nebraska town. The day that starts my journey towards her. Her love. Her heart.

My one and only.

"Hey Bro, you got all your shit?" My best friend Angel asked.

Angel ended up getting a scholarship at UCLA with me, as well. We ended up being roomies. She kept me out of trouble. And by that, I mean she kept me out of women's pants.

Maurice and I didn't last. The second she told me she loved me, I pushed her off the bed, literally. She left the next day. Didn't see her again.

"Dude, come on. Our plane leaves in like.." she paused and looked at her phone. Her eyes widened. "Fuck man! One hour, lets go." I laughed at her anxiousness and grabbed my last suitcase.

I cannot wait to get home and see her.

That's if she even wants to see me.

I haven't spoken to her since I broke up with her over 4 years ago. I still love her. Ever since I left I have had a void in my heart. She's my soul mate. My everything.


I've never wanted to punch a toddler... But, it may happen...

"Lady could you please control your hellian. It has been kicking my chair for the past 45 minutes and I swear..." A hand covered my mouth.

"Dude, calm your tits" Angel harshly whispered in my ear.

"She's just a child!" the woman behind me sneered. "More like the spawn of satan" I mumbled under my breath, earning a punch in the shoulder and a glare from Angel. I gave her an innocent look.

"So, are you nervous? You haven't been home in years. Lindy said she's going to kill you when we get home." she giggled.

I giggled back, tucking my short blonde hair behind my ears, "I'm excited, nervous...scared." I added the last part quietly.

"What if she hates me? What if she never forgives me?" I asked softly.

Angel gave me a sympathetic smile. "It's been a long time B, don't expect it to be rainbows and butterflies. We are in our 20s. She may not be the same girl she was years ago. As you aren't the same girl you were years ago." she grabbed my hand and squeezed slightly. I smiled at her and nodded my head.


As the plane landed, the butterflies in my stomach decided to come to life, making a full wave of nausea approach.

We grabbed our bags and after 20 minutes of waiting for these slow ass bitches to make their way off the plane... We were finally in the terminal.

Never sit towards the back of a plane. Good grief.

As we walked to the baggage claim area, I noticed a huge sign that read, "WELCOME HOME B AND A".

I looked at the large group of people, seeing my mom dad and sister. Angels family. And then, I saw a very angry Lindy approaching me hastily. Next thing I felt was a stinging sensation across my face.

"You asshole! You left me here for 4 years. Dick..." then she hugged me tightly. I returned her hug. " I missed you too, Lindz."

It feels good to be home.

Now, I just to find my way back to her.

I know it's short. But, it's the intro.

Welcome to Brooklyn's story.

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