Chapter 8

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As mad as I was at Cassidy for everything that has happened the last couple days, I still have hope.

Well, not much, but some.

But, seeing Brooklyn again... It's reawakened something inside of me that I thought was destroyed three years ago and replaced with the love and warmth of Cassidy.

And, it just awakened. Just as she walked out the door. As the words she spoke digested into my brain. I release the beast in her.

I know I hurt Brooklyn when I told her if she had never left me, this never would have happened. I saw the brief flash of hurt flash across those beautiful shade of forest green eyes. I know that wasn't fair. Considering the woman who put a ring on it. The woman who tells me she loves me. The woman who makes love to me. The woman who swore to protect me, gave me this swollen, black eye.

Not Brooklyn. No. Brooklyn gave me a broken heart. A broken heart that was repaired by Cassidy's doing. But, there are still remnants of the scar. A scar that'll never fade.

A black eye fades. A broken heart never truly heals. Not with a never fading scar. I thought it had faded. After all these years. But, the second I saw those green eyes I loved so much, I felt the slight pang in my chest. Almost as if the scar was pulsating, trying to break open.


I got up from the couch, Hailey watching my every move.

"Where are you going? You realize when Aunt Jessi hears about this, she will blow a gasket." my sister scolded.
"Open your eyes Cheree, she is no good for you." My sister slowly got up the couch and walked towards me, standing toe to toe. "That girl... Brooklyn, she may be an annoying, selfless, egotistical brat. But, she loves you. She would do anything for you. I never thought I could trust someone to take care of you or protect you other than me. Brooklyn, I trust her." My sister stared into my eyes. Waiting.

I thought about it, yes, Brooklyn took care of me. Protected me. Still protects me apparently. But she broke my damn heart. "She broke my heart, Hailey. She just dumped me and left. Literally." I spat out. "I'm over her." I lied straight through my teeth.

My sister laughed sarcastically, "Who are you trying to deceive here, little sister? She had her reasons I'm sure. Georgi told me it all. That girl would go to hell and back if it meant just to take 5 minutes of your time. She's probably on her way right now to your apartment to confront a trained fucking MMA fighter fighter for you. Wake the hell up." She said flicking my forehead and walking away.

You'll understand someday....

Brooklyn's words. After she preached (with what I thought at the time, total b.s) about us being too young and need to learn about ourselves before we can be together. Or, some shit about growing up. Then the whole "I'll find my say back to you".

Maybe she was right.

But, Cassidy. I do love her. Yes there have been some....altercations with us. But, she's also sweet. Romantic. Amazing in bed...

Plus, Brooklyn, we've only spoken twice since she's been back. She would have to do a lot to find her way back to me. Back to my heart.


What do I do?

Brooklyn's POV

I have the one thing I need. A baseball bat. Hell, I know I cant actually fight fairly with Cassidy. Shit. That bitch would have me in a coma quicker than a Ronda Rousey KO. No joke.

I pulled up to their apartment. I double checked the apartment number in the text Georgi sent me. 3.

I turn off the engine and reach around the back seat grabbing my old aluminum softball bat from the 8th grade. I casually get out the car, taking one last drag of my cigarette, I flicked it to the side and slammed my door my shut.

On my way up to the apartment door, some kid playing outside gave me weird looks. I glared at them, making their eyes go wide and running off. I smirked and went inside.

The apartment was on the first floor. Easy access. Easy exit. This is a very nice apartment complex. Nice area. Rich area. Hopefully there isn't too much of a ruckus. I'm sure there would be a 911 call real quick.

I walked up to the door, but, stopped when I heard some peculiar noises coming from the other side. Lifting an eye brow I titled my head to the side a little and put my ear to the door.

Is that....moaning?

I chuckled. Don't think I'll be needing this bat anymore.

I have a more sinister idea. I pulled out my phone.

"Hey, Cheree. I really need you to come to your apartment. It's important."

"Brooklyn, I swear... Wait, why are you whispering?"

"Come here and find out."

She sighed heavily, "Fine. On my way".

Oh man... This will be so much fun.


Cheree got here in 8 minutes. Quick and pronto.

"What's wrong? Why do you have a bat?" She sighed...

She started to get out her keys and then, she froze. She hears it.

"Oh, hell no." She furiously unlocked the door and barged into the apartment. We were greeted with a very naked Cassidy with her head in between some girls legs.

I know I should be happy. But, when I saw the look on my angels face... My heart cried. My soul yearned to hold her.

Cassidy's head popped up real quick and the girl moaning under her squealed and quickly hid her face under a pillow.

Cheree let out a muffled sob. Then, it turned into a evil laugh, "Are you...Are you serious...right now?" she smiled sarcastically, waving her hand between Cassidy and the unknown girl.

Cassidy hurried off the couch and tripped in the process, I giggled, causing an evil glare from Cassidy.

"Baby, this.. This.." she stuttered. I was waiting for the 'this isn't what it looks like bullshit'.

Cassidy looked at me then back at Cheree. "Im getting my necessitates and then, I'm leaving for good." Cheree walked off to what I'm assuming is their, well, Cassidy's, bedroom. Cassidy chasing after her.

I giggled at seeing Cassidy's flat ass bounce, chasing after her.

I looked down at the couch at the girl with the pillow on top of her head.

"They're gone now. You can stop smothering yourself." Slut. I wanted to add that last part.

The girl still wouldn't respond. I walked up to her, and quickly snatched the pillow from her.

You have got to be butt fucking me.

I stood there. Eyes wide. Mouth to the floor. Pillow in hand.

Then I heard a gasp from behind me. And a thump. Probably the sound of Cheree dropping her bag of clothes.
Cheree choked out a sob, my heart breaking for her.


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