Sadness Forever

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~~ loosing him was blue like id never known'

It was like everything I had dreamed of. Just like the scene from Paper Towns , every single one of us like a character from The Breakfast Club or us running away from our problems .

A massive van filled with hopeless souls crossing the country to find a stupid friend that ran away. Calling Luke a friend was a different mistake itself.

'Okay so how do we know where he went to swim with sharks?' Eleanor spoke from the back , a TripAdvisor for Queensland booklet in her hand.

It had been 11 hours since we were on rhe road and I was cranky as ever. Ashton peed a lot , Eleanor got hungry so quickly and I git bored so easily. We played 'i spy' 20 times and sang along to so many songs i lost count. We then all gave up and just started fiddling with our phones.

'What's the cheapest one?' Ashton turned his head towards us as Calum chukled a bit.

'Ash , there's only place you can go shark diving in Australia and that's Port Lincoln Shark Diving.$300 for only 45 minutes. Gosh , that's a lot.' Eleanor said , her eyes going big.

'Can ya'll shut up I'm trying to sleep. I'm starting to doubt that we'll even find Luke. If he wanted us to find him he would've left clues or something. He maybe even left the country.' I spat all over the place like a moody grandma.

Calum immediatly hit the brakes , throwing all of us forward.

'Miranda listen to me. Get your shit together. All of us left our daily life and agreed to help you find this guy. Dont flake out now.' He said to me through the review mirror , eyes cold as ice.

'I just feel out of place.' I said , blowing air out my mouth as we passed the 'Gold Coast' sign , my heart beat going a bit faster.

'We're in Gold Coast , finaaaallly.' Eleanor said as i adored the magical blue waters.

Ashton typed in 'Port Lincoln Shark Diving' into his phone to find the address. He later on handed it Calum so he could drive towards the location.

It took us about another half an hour to finally reach this so called place. And believe it or not , it wasn't that fancy at all. It had a little shack and a small yacht tied to the dock.

'Look Miranda , I know you're hurting but no need to put it all on us. We're trying our best.' Calum pulled me to the side as Ashton and Eleanor walked ahead of us.

'I know and I couldn't be more grateful. But.... I feel so stupid. I mean , why am i even doing this?' I said as Calum froze for a few seconds.

'Because sometimes you just got to trust your gut. Look if he hasn't come here , we'll try the second place. And if he's not there , then we'll head on to the third.' Calum smiled , pulling me by my hand towards the shack.

'Good day youngsters. How may I help you? Feeling a bit daring are we? I'm Kevin.' A middle-aged man said just as a younger guy walked through the door with boxes in his hands.

'Dad , session 5F is done- Oh hi. Oh can we help?' The young guy said and he looked like one of those hot guys that live in a small town , striving to get out.

'Oh we're sorry we're not here for a session but we're looking for a friend.' I said showing a photo of Luke .

'Oh this is fancy pants , the dude from Sydney. Had a bad feeling about him the moment he walked into here. I bet he's a wanted criminal , ey?' The younger guy said as Kevin slightly hissed at him.

'Oh hush up Guy. No need to be jealous of his good looks. Im guessing this lovely lady is his girlfriend-' Kevin said with his very thick accent and the moment Kevin finished his sentence Calum jumped in.

'No she isn't.' Calum said in a sharp voice , walking slightly towards Kevin.

' This guy has been missing for a while and we found a piece of paper that said he wanted to swim with sharks.' Ashton cut in , trying to calm down Calum.

'He stayed at the inn last night I dont know if he's still there or not.' Guy said in a nearly unaudible voice , Calum storming out of the shack. Ashton and Eleanor followed him out as I stood there , stuck to where I am.

'I'm sorry about them. We kind of took a big risk coming all the way from Sydney.' I said , trying my best to be polite.

'It's so obvious you're from Sydney. The clothes , the way you act...' Guy didnt bother to finish his sentence as Kevin shot him a look.

'Son , you're not helping at all. Anyways darling I hope we helped.' Kevin smiled as I headed out.

'Luke isn't even her boyfriend , Luke is her nothing! They just met on the bloody street thats all!' I could hear Calum yelling at Ashton just as I walked towards the van.

'You need to calm the fuck down.' Eleanor said trying to defend her friend.

'Look at me Calum. I didn't force you to come with us to this trip. You insisted to help me. And believe it or not some people need help but cant tell others. And to be honest , I really wanted to give Luke a chance. And weren't you the one that was giving me the pep-talk before we entered the shack? Stop being so unstable!' I yelled at the end of my mini-speech , getting weird looks from all of them.

'Calum's kind of right Miranda. He doesn't know Luke and neither do you. Luke was Eleanor and I's old friend. I have no idea why Calum is here.' Ashton crossed his arms , making flames rise inside of me. I just couldnt handle Ashton or Calum at the moment. They were just acting like the little kids in kindergarden that annoyed the hell out of me.

'No. Really , I insisted to help her. I admired her courage and the risks she took. She lives in the moment and doesn't hold on to things. I like that.' Calum said , ruffling his hair , Ashton's muscles relaxing.

'So guy's , lets check out this inn!' Eleanor said , pointing to the 'Sunny Inn' up on the sandy hill. She was acting like nothing had happened and I felt a bit of anxiousness wash over. Eleanor was never there when I was fighting.




{Sila ♥}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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