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Olivia's prov
No no no...this was happening way to fast,I know what your thinking but no it's not what you think.


"Sofia come back here!"I shout running after my little sister

"Give me that envelope,Sofia when I get my hands on you!!!"

My little sister started jumping all over the sofa and ripped open my letter...right before she jumped into my arms.

"You got in!" She screamed in my ear
"I got in!!" I continued with her "wait,I got into what"
She giggled "that school in Hollywood silly"
"I got in" I ran up the stairs as fast as I can to tell my mum

You see there was a school in Hollywood called Hollywood arts that raised stars like Cat Valentine and Beck Oliver, they were just some kids and now Cat is performing all over the world and Beck Oliver, well he's defiantly on big screen. I've always wanted to go but felt so guilty that I'd have to leave my family in London to travel half way across the world to go to some school WAY out of my league. But this year I graduated from high school and i found myself sending a video of me singing Rolling in the deep by Adele. And that was it, it was gone...

I ran faster than I ever had upstairs and rocked my mother awake.

"What do you want honey, I told you to stay out of mommy and daddy room" she said wiping her face

One thing about my mum, she still treats me like a kid.

"Mum I got in!,I GOT IN ,I GOT IN. HOLLYWOOD HERE I COME!" I stuffed the tickets In her face "SEE!!!"

"Honey that's great but" she paused and looked at ticket times  "YOU HAVE TO BE ON THE PLANE IN FOUR HOURS!,honey I'm so happy for you but unless we can pack everything you need and get to the airport in less than four hours...Look just GO PACK ILL GO BOOK THE CAB" i hugged her rally tightly and ran to my bedroom, almost buckling on the way. Ops!
People pushed and turned, pulling Their families and friends, I looked around in confusion.

"Excuse me" I tapped the shoulder of one of the workers "I'm trying to find this" I handed her my ticket.
"Sure" she said and dragged me all the way.
I said my goodbyes and wiped my tears away, I wouldn't be anything without my family, sure we could talk on the phone but it won't be the same. The way my best friend Nat would wait for me after school and we would walk home together talking about our day at school, the way Sofia would jump on me when she missed me. I'll miss my mum and dad and the way they loved me no matter what, I'll miss England. All of it.

I took a deep breath and dragged my luggage to my seat. I sat next to a girl who reminded me all to well of a girl from school, tall and slim, red hair and blue eyes. She was putting on red lipstick and she looked about in her 20s. I lay my head down and took one last look at England drifting away...

Like I said guys my first proper book that isn't about me...because it's easy to write about something that happened to you in person! And it's not a one shot so please don't throw rocks at me if its not good...😳😙😊😓😘😦😫😰😍💋😎

Oh and hey Olivia and Samiat if your reading this!

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