New school

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I let out a breath I didn't even know I was keeping in... First day...New school...try not to mess it up...

I walked down the steps of my new school. It was big. Big and... Colourful, the walls were graffitied, there were balcony,chairs and seats. That's all I could see from the corner of my eye.

"Miss what's your name?" The lady from the desk broke my thoughts

"Oh,Olivia Digba" she typed my name into the computer. She got up and walked over to the printer at the end of her desk and handed me my curriculum.

"If you would just wait there for a minute" she removed her glasses and started talking on the phone to someone called Lidia "It seems as if you missed your meet and greet with your new class by 20 minutes, they are probably in the hall. Would you like me to take you there or would you like to go your self, it's just down the hall on the right?"
It seemed to me she really wanted me to say I could make my own way like she had something better to do, so I said I could make my own way.

I walked down the empty hall to a door where I could see the back of multi-coloured heads. I don't know about this, I can't just be late and storm in there like nothing happened. This is Hollywood Arts if they don't like me they can kick me out.

Ignoring the voice in my head I pushed the door open.

"Sorry I'm late the receptionist told me to come in here"  

"Oh, Olivia is it? Why don't you take a seat next to May"

I looked around to see who May was.

"Row five, third seat across" she piped in a hurry.

I sat next to a Slightly chubby blonde girl who I assumed to be May. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey" a voice behind me said in my ear rather loudly. I tried to ignore it and pay attention to the lady on stage who called herself Miss Brand and was talking about an amazing education bla bla bla. "HEY!" The same voice said louder. I turned around and looked the boy who obviously didn't want an education.

"Hey, I'm Jacob" he said pointing to himself "This is Amy" pointing to a brightly dresses girl with bleached blond hair
"And that's Samiat" he pointed to a darker girl smiling at me so that I could see her dimples. She looked like the kind of person that carved trouble yet she looked so innocent.

"You must be Olivia" Jacob said smirking at me. I didn't like it.

"Yes I am and..."

The teacher stopped me in my tracks as she started to put us in pairs and gave us sheets of paper.

"Ok and Olivia you can pair up with...let's see hear...Samiat why don't you be Olivia's partner for today!" Smiling at both of us "Ok, all I want you to do is explore the school seeing as your the only ones here and talk to each other. Try and get to know each other and that's all I want you to worry about for now.When the bell rings your free to take your partner wherever you the school of course!"

I'm starting to think this lady is to smiley and cheerful  for her own good. I turned back to my partner for the day.

"So Samiat where do you want to go?" I asked her

"Your not actually staying in the school are you, because I would like to head to that ice-cream shop down the road."

"Don't you care that we might get in trouble"

She laughed like there wasn't an option

"Come on goody-two shoes lets go get some ice cream" she grabbed my arm and dragged me out the school

This is going to be a long day...

Soz Olivia if your reading this your not a goody two shoes and all will be explained why Samiat is acting...ok I'll stop now.

Like I said please don't throw rocks at me if it's not good and I was kind of rushed with the last bit.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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