v. It was meant to be

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v. it was meant to be

Maya sighed as she finally sat down on the couch. The day had been more tiring than she expected. She knew she had three pieces left to finish for the art exhibition over the weekend and she was already halfway through them so it didn't seem like a tedious task in the morning.

But when she got to getting them done with, it really took longer than she expected. Nevertheless, she was happy with the result.

Her paintings seemed to have started exploring love after she moved in with Lucas.

Lucas, that dork.

She remembered exactly how they're first meeting was. Well, calling it a meeting wouldn't be appropriate but yeah it was something.

She was in the middle of one of her very difficult works and she'd been working on that for about two hours. Her hands were a little sore because of constantly gripping the brush and so was her wrist. So when she yawned, stretched her arms backwards, she'd lost her hold on the brush and it'd went outside.

She should've gone to pick it up but she was too tired. Once she completed her piece, her body had given up on stamina and she felt dizzy.

She remembered falling asleep right there in the mess and waking up after an hour.

Her door was closed and she recalled that it was open when she fell asleep. That's how it had tumbled outside in the first place.

But she was sure it was Mrs. Coleman who closed the door. She was a sweetheart. Definitely a sweetheart for a person who lived alone in her seventies.

When she woke up, the canvas in front of her reminded her that her brush was still outside. So groggily, she stood up and went to the door.

Now, Maya was wearing a sweater. That's it. Her female instincts told her to check through the hole if any creep was outside. And so she did.

To her surprise, someone was there. A very good looking someone. She could make out that he was hot even with the limited view.

She considered changing and getting ready before going outside but he'd already seen the brush and obviously wondered whose it was.

So Maya Hart being herself, did the first thing that came to her mind. She went out, whispered an apology for no real reason and picked up the brush before rushing inside.

She was sure that haste behaviour hadn't gone unnoticed and she was immediately embarrassed. She had ruined her chance with a hot guy who she supposed was a neighbour.

After that, she never went up to him, still embarrassed by their first meeting. He probably thought of her as some mad clumsy woman who lived alone. And her childhood hadn't helped her in gaining any self esteem so she concluded that their story was over. Before it even began.

Lucas told her a while back that their second meeting wasn't a meeting too but it was him listening to her drunk self in the middle of the night.

Maya was immediately flustered. Besides the fact that she had unknowingly made a mockery of herself in front of Lucas again, it frankly surprised her that he had still managed to fall in love with her.

Well the third time was an interesting one. This was the one where she realised that she had somehow managed to gain his interest or at least that was what sneakily peeking in your neighbours apartment made her think.

She wouldn't lie, she was very excited when she realised it was him. And that's what led to their final rendezvous.

Now this was a planned one. Since Lucas didn't take any step towards her after last time, she took matters in her own hands.

She purposely left her brush outside the apartment hoping that he would return it to her. She'd told Lucas that just a couple of days ago and he had laughed at her ultimately admitting that if it wasn't for her and her trick, he would've most probably been a coward and never come up to her until an emergency that he just couldn't avoid, came up.

The observations of his work timings in the past month had helped her to get the right timing or kinda not because after she left the brush, she went for a bath to look presentable in front of him.

And then it happened.

She heard the knock and she rushed outside the bathroom with wet locks and a long button down shirt and she was pretty sure she looked far from neat and approachable but she wasn't going to miss this chance.

When she opened the door and her eyes met his,
he was better than she ever imagined him to be.

His hair, a mess and his expression, dumbfound but he was perfect in his own mad way.

Their story recommenced from there and now she lived with him, more happy than she had ever been.

As she replayed all this in her head, it made her realise their untidy and muddled tale was just meant to be.


A/N : Last chapter! I am very happy with how this epilogue turned out! And... as this book ends, I have another one up! It's called 'Destined?'


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