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"Anxiety has always been there when I needed an excuse, but could it really be the reason for my upset stomach, or was it something else?"


"And take this too!" I giggled as I tossed Alfie another pillow case

"Anything else?" he smirked as he looked down at his full arms

"Nope, I think that's got it" I sighed as I tossed the clean sheets onto the bed. Every Wednesday had become laundry day and cleaning day. Louise, Matt, and baby Darcy were coming over today so that meant a deep cleaning of mine and Alfie's small apartment. It had been nearly two weeks since little Darcy was born and I couldn't wait to see my little god daughter. My thoughts however were all over the place since little Darcy had made her way onto Earth. Alfie and I were scheduled to go over to Florida in just three weeks were we would be meeting our fans, however my anxiety was acting up once again yet this time it was making me so sick and tired. 

"Need some help?" laughed Alfie as he watched me start to struggle with putting a pillow in its case

"Just a little" I giggled as I tossed it to him

"So, are you excited about seeing little Darcy?" he questioned

"Very" I smiled, "its been way too long since I've seen her"

"Well, maybe some Louise and baby time can help you ease your anxiety" he smiled

"Hopefully" I groaned as I fell down on the bare bed, "this throwing up and sleeping twenty hours a day is killing me."

"I'm sure everything will get better" laughed Alfie as he collapsed next to me, "so when are we filming a new video?"

"Shoot!" I gasped, "I need to make a new one, and some extra's for when we're gone!" 

"I thought you..."

"No Alfie!" I snapped, "I don't have a memory like a cow, like you!" 

"Wow, touchy much?" he laughed.

"I just hate forgetting stuff" I mumbled as I grabbed my YouTube note book from the dresser. I kept everything related to YouTube in my small floral notebook. Everything from my video ideas, to collaboration ideas for videos 

"Maybe Louise will do some videos with you tonight" Alfie suggested

"Duh" I smiled as I pushed his head over "and maybe we can do a couple tomorrow to set me up enough for next month" I smirked as I jotted down the ideas.

"Yay" Alfie cheered as his phone started to go off.


"Hey mom" I answered as I left Zoe to her ideas, "how are things?"

"Well Alfie, you know I would like to meet Zoe, you know before you two go off to Florida together" she buzzed.

"I know mom" I groaned, "but we have the next couple of days booked, you know with videos and such.."

"Oh Alfie, just man up and let us meet" she laughed, "I promise to be nice to her"

"Mommmm" I murmured as Zoe jogged out of the room,

"Alfie how about a make up tag?" she giggled 

"Sure" I smiled as I gave her a wave, "maybe next week?" I suggested

"I'll take it!" she laughed, "I have to go now, but I will call you tomorrow"

"Bye mom" I huffed as I ended the call

"Who was that?" smiled Zoe

"Just my mom" I sighed, "she keeps pushing me for you two to meet

"Alfie" she groaned, "you know I don't do good with first impressions" 

"I know, but she really wants to meet you Zoe" 

"Will you be there?" she asked with a grin

"Only if you want me to be" I smiled

"Well, I guess, but you have to be right with me and don't leave my side"

"I will, Zo" I smiled as I heard the dryer signal


"I promise" I laughed as I left a wet kiss on her forehead as I made my way to the dryer.


"She sleeps about forty times a day" giggled Louise, "but mostly through out the day"

"Oh dear, shes a night owl" I smiled, "Alfie's type of girl"

"Yeah, yeah" Alfie smirked

"But what is the best thing about being a mom?" I questioned as I played around with Darcy's small hands

"Just the fact that you know she is yours, you know like a part of you" chimed in Matt

"That and I get to dress her up" giggled Louise

Hearing the stove timer start to ring I quickly excused myself from the living room and ran to check on dinner. Pulling out the pan of chicken I could feel my stomach start to turn, just the smell of it made me feel sick. 

"Anxiety?" asked Louise as she came through the small kitchen door

"That or I have this pesky flu going around, I haven't been able to keep anything but saltines and Sprite down for the last couple of weeks."

"Zoe!" gasped Louise, "are you pregnant?"

"Noooo" I busted out laughing, "Alfie and I...we don' know. And the last time we did we used protection"

"Are you sure? I mean when I found out I was pregnant with Darcy all I wanted to do is sleep and cry. My hormones were all over the place."

"Louise" I giggled, "its just my nerves, I mean the whole trip to Florida next month, I'm meeting Alfie's mom next week, and all of the videos I have to film is really getting to me."

"Are you sure?" smirked Louise

"100%" I smirked as the memories of Alfie swam around in my mind. The last time Alfie  and I had sex was nearly three months ago, we used protection almost every time. Plus it had been nearly four months since that slime ball Jack had had sex. But we didn't always use protection. Feeling my stomach turn again I quickly made my way to the bathroom.

"Maybe you should get a test just in case" whispered Louise as she gave chuckle before going back to the living room.

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