Lola my mother

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I praise you women.

You were there ever since I can remember. You were there when NOBODY was there for me. You were there for every mess I got myself into and you helped me out of them all. You are there for when I am crying and heartbroken and just want to end it all. You are there when I am happy and smiling and messing around. I love you Mom, so much.

I have cried, cut, screamed, yelled, smile, and laugh in front of you. It brings we so much fucking pain when you are hurting or crying. I just want to send you to space and set the whole world on fire for making you hurt.

I remember all the things you have done for me and how you did them all with a smile. I remember all the times you have supported me and helped me with my problems while you put yours aside.

Mom I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful girl to ever come into my life in and ooa and I will always have your back. Always.

I know I screw up and that I am not the best son ever but I try to be there for you as much as I possibly can. I love you so much, thank you for everything.

-Your Son

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