Mind Blown

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Im actually surprised about how well im doing with this Btw if you have any ideas for the story tell me kk enjoy

Emi walks in and i pretend nothing happened and pick my phone up and start heading out my door "you okay?" I stopped turned on my heel and gave my best closed eyed smile "yeah my phone just slipped from my hand and i was worried it broke" she looked at me like she didn't believe me i just continued to walk out yelling to lock the door. After a few minutes she caught back up and we were off.

The strong wave of fear was continually flowing for a good minute or so, then it slowly faded i turn my head see if i could still hear the housewife complaining about how this was all my fault. I don't understand how but apparently if anyone sends of the slightest wave of fear its my fault.

Back 2 your pov.

Me and Emi walked the streets all while she explains that she was not stalking as much as checking up on them....Seems legit. As we walk she gets a phone call "hello?" I couldn't really make out what the other person was saying "What the fuck do you want ya housewife!!" She sounds pissed, wait now surprised, now just aggravated "fine I'm coming, is maou there?"....."ok" and with that she hung up and started walking in the direction of my house i ran to catch up "so where we going" "oh yeah i forgot, you wanna come with me to your neighbors place" she must have noticed i looked hesitant because "they have food" "WELL LETS GO" i grabbed her wrist and ran there. when we got there she told me to be careful on the steps i was lucky she was behind me because as soon as she said it she rolled all the way down the steps i held in my giggle until someone opened well slammed the door open causing me to jump lose my footing and follow Emi down landing on top of her "i hate these damn steps!" I hear her mutter from under me i roll off of her to see a blonde man at the top of the steps Emi stands and slowly makes her way back up the steps as i lay on the floor i see a purple blob stick his head from the doorway and he looks at Emi then back at me his lips started moving but i couldn't hear him, everything continued to get blurry until i blacked out. I woke up wit a sharp pain in my head opening my eyes i see that I'm in a dark room with only a small amount of light i look to the side where there's a window so i now can see its dark out. as i sit up a wet cloth falls from my head i continue to examine my surroundings when i notice a boy in front of a laptop, i slowly crawl closer and tap his shoulder he grunts in response "um I'm sorry to be a bother but um where's Emi and were am i?" He turns around "Emi left after it got dark" "oh well ill just head home" i said as i stood up, i felt a grab at my wrist i stopped, expecting him to say something but instead a tug at my arm causing me to tumble to the floor, or his lap that works to "don't go its to late, i don't want you walking the streets alone" i could see a slight blush on his face at the same time i feel my face heating up "oh um OK, well since um I'm staying I'm (y/n)" "oh um I'm Urushihara" that name sounds oddly familiar. I slowly slide from his lap and down beside him i watch him play for hours before i start getting extremely tried, my eyelids now weighed a ton "you feeling tried?" Urushihara said empathy feeling his voice i looked at him and nodded he turned his computer off and led me towards a small cardboard box "ladies first" he said in a slight whisper due to his sleeping roommates i crawled into the box and saw him turn to leave i grab his ankle my face now on fire " C-can you um sleep um here" his face was now as red as a tomato "w-with y-you?!" He says with shock as his voice shakes i nod slowly and he crawls into the box next to me, and i fall asleep next to his warm body.

OMG I just realized how fast this relationship is progressing im sooooo sorry if that happened to fast if i need to ill rewrite!!!

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