Coming home

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I turned to see a long dark haired boy around the same age as me walking over.

I looked back through the crowd. She should be here. Never mind, Aunt Diane will make sure she gets on the train.

I was caught in a brotherly hug from my best friend.

"How were your holidays Padfoot?" I asked Sirius Black, as soon as I could breathe.

He grinned. "My idiot brother tried to curse me so I chucked the silver goblets at him. Mother was yelling and father was halfway through saying the crucaitus curse when I summoned my broom which sort of hit him in the face as it came towards me. I've spent the past two weeks at the leaky cauldron."

"Same old, same old, then?"

"Yep. What about you?"

"Went to visit my Aunt and cousins, one is starting at Hogwarts this year."

"Which one?" Sirius' eyes were alight with trouble. I knew exactly what was on his mind.

"No, Sirius. Keep your hands off her."

He clicked his fingers, "So if it's a she it must be... Shanna? Lucy? Oh, I bet it's Red, right?"

"Padfoot, calm down. Let's get a compartment before they all fill up okay?"

We pushed our way through to the Hogwarts Express, pulling our trunks on behind us. Walking past all the compartments, I slid the last one open and grinned. Turning his head away from his book, Remus Lupin smiled back. Our friend with his furry little problem.


The first years all filed in behind professor McGonagoll. Though they were only two years younger than us, I couldn't help looking down at them slightly. They probably thought they were so cool, didn't they?

My stomach growled. They had gone through the A's and the B's and the C's...Prongs was goggling at Evans again and Moony had his book out. I hadn't seen Peter yet which was weird but knowing Wormtail he had probably gotten lost on his way to the Gryffindor table.

As the line of first years thinned, I caught sight of her. A dark brown haired girl with hazel green eyes and a smirk on her face as she waited for her turn.

"Well, damn," I whispered under my breath.

"Padfoot? Sirius?"

Not now Prongs, I thought to myself. Please go away.

"Oi!" James smacked me in the back of the head.


"What the hell are you doing staring at my cousin?" James whispered fiercely.

Oh crap. This wasn't happening.

"She's your cousin?"

"Yes, she's my cousin."

"What's her name?"

"Ellis and Sirius you'd better keep away from her. I'm not kidding."

"Right you are Prongs."

I tore my gaze away but kept an ear open for her name. After 2 minutes, Mcgonagoll called out, "Ellis Potter," and she bounded up to the stool. The sorting hat had barely touched her head, when it shouted, "Gryffindor!" Just like it should.

I joined in with the clapping as she sat down at our table with the other first years. Some of the boys were staring at her.

We were in the common room when the first years all clambered in, led by Jake Clark who was the prefect.

"Now then, this is the common room. Respect your common room lads-"

"And ladies," I cut in, winking at Prongs.

"And don't forget," started James in a pompous impersonation, "You can only breathe in here if I say so and there will be no fun or laughing in this room. You follow my lead and no one will like you."

The first years laughed. All except Ellis who shook her head as the others ran up the stairs to see the dormitories.

"James, you take it too far."

"Hey Ells!" said James, "It's been too long."

She raised her eyebrows.

"This is Padfoot and Moony, Ellis, they're my best friends."

Wow James that sounds a bit... never mind.

"What about me?" squeaked a small mousey haired pipsqueak from behind Ellis. Wormtail.

James groaned, "And that's Wormtail. Or just Peter, he's not fussy."

"Hi," I said, flicking my hair back. James snorted but tried to cover it as a sneeze.

"Hello," said Remus, smiling but not getting up.

Peter tried to grin but it turned into a sort of creepy leer that anyone could mistake for a Sysco's smile.

Ellis stood her ground but looked kind of creeped out. I elbowed Peter out of the way.

"Yeah, I'm Sirius. No pun intended- I'd keep away from Peter if I were you," I said, coming forwards toward Ellis.

She smirked and said, "Right, I'm going to bed. Night James. Night... James' friends."

She ran up the stairs and out of sight. I sighed, then realised that James was glaring at me.

I cleared my throat. "She seems... nice."

James' hand itched towards his wand. "Don't worry Prongs," I said in an irritated voice, "I'll keep away from her."

James breathed a sigh of relief. Moony did not look convinced. Peter sneezed and got out a hanker-chief.

"Look Prongs," I said in an attempt to make James forgive and forget. "Wormtail's got a cold."

Ellis PotterWhere stories live. Discover now