Full moon

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I skipped lunch the next day to go to the library. There must be a logical explanation for the Marauders missing a party, surely? I scanned through most books but there was nothing significant that caught my eye. I went to put my stack of books away, and saw Lizzie standing in the way.

"Yes Lizzie?"

She folded her arms. "I thought that we were meant to be friends?"

I felt my eyebrows crease. "We are."

"Like best friends?"

"Right what's the matter Lizzie?"

"What are you not telling me?"

I sighed. "I can't tell you." She glared and I back tracked. "Well, maybe I could."

I told her the whole story, ending with my search in the library, "And now I don't know what to do."

Lizzie stared into the background, completely zoning out.


"Do you have a crush on Sirius Black?"

"What? No of course not-"

"Don't lie Ellis. I can tell."

"Fine. I may have a small crush on him." Lizzie clapped her hands together in excitement.  The librarian, Madame Pince said "SHHHHHHHH."

"But don't tell him!" I said quietly.

"Would I do that?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Yes. But what should I do about them going out tonight? "

"Can't you just drop it? It may be nothing."

"But I want to know. I know you think I'm really nosey but I do know my cousin, and he would never waste an opportunity to  cause trouble."

Lizzie smiled. "Maybe you could just ask Black. I'm sure he would love to help."

I bit my lip. "He wouldn't tell me before. What makes you think he will do it now?"

Lizzie grinned, taking my hand. "Anything is possible. If that doesn't work then approach your cousin and threaten him, he may be easily persuadable. Otherwise, we'll follow them tonight."

I high fived her. "But hopefully it won't come to that. I know how eager you are to wish Colin a happy birthday."

Lizzie blushed at the mention of the quidittch captain as I smiled knowingly. I would ask Sirius and James if I got the time; if not, I would be ready tonight.

Ellis PotterWhere stories live. Discover now