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(Emily's PoV)


"Ow... Fuck." I mutter, I can feel my heartbeat thumping through my skull. My eyes shut tightly and I cup my forehead with my hand. What happened last night?! My brain asks, I remember what I can from the night.

"Your Queen B has arrived!"

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

"Looks like someone's a little bit tipsy!"

"Emily, you're way too drunk to be here. I'm going to take you home."

"I love you, Emily."

Those five phrases are the only things which I remember, but I was so drunk I can't remember who said the last two. I recognize the voice but I can't figure out who it is, oh god I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing last night! Despite the aching in my skull I sit up, immediately regretting it as my head starts to spin. I look over to my right and manage to sit on the side of my bed. I take a few breathes and gain my vision back before standing up. My head is pounding uncontrollably as I take each step down what feels like an endless staircase. I reach the bottom, gaining my balance with the help of the bannister before walking into my kitchen. I look on the counter and spot two aspirins and a glass of water. I immediately take the pills and drink the remainder of the glass. I smile whilst questioning who put it there, I honestly don't remember anything after like 9pm.

It could have been Ben. Oh god!! He would have seen me so drunk! Ohhhh no! Not good! All the thinking going on in my brain is making the pounding harder. I decide to sit down and gather up my thoughts whilst I recover from my hangover.

Who even gave me a lift back last night?


3 phone calls later, and no one knows who dropped me home last night. I've texted Aria, Spencer and Hanna. They all said they were too drunk to remember and that they didn't see me at all that night. Maybe it was Ben. I think to myself, I unlock my phone again and get his contact up, pressing call and holding the phone to my ear. Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring. I wait patiently until it goes to voicemail. I phone another two times but still no answer so I decide to give up.

"It was probably Ben." I say out loud to myself, not wanting it to bother me further. I open the cupboard and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Sitting down on the stool in silence, I begin to think again.

If it was Ben, does that mean he said he loved me?!

"Ohhh no!" I whisper, if Ben gave me a lift home that means he said he loved me! He loves me?! This is not good! I stand up, completely disregarding my cereal and begin to pace around the room. My hands slide through my hair as begin to feel guilty. "Ben loves me!" I whisper/shout, thanking god that my parents are in Texas and can't see the meltdown I'm about to have. "I can't have Ben love me! I don't even know my true feelings for him, I could still be in love with Al-..." I pause, coming to terms with what I was about to tell myself. "No, fuck it!" I say, walking out the door and through my living room. I face the mirror and hold a finger up at my reflection. "You. Are wrong. You love Ben, and he loves you. You are straight!" I say, I take a few deep breaths and walk back into the kitchen, finishing off my now-soggy cereal.


"Han." I speak into the phone as I hear a grumble on the other end of the line. "What?! You already called me before." She says with frustration, by the sound of her voice I can't tell she just woke up... Again. "I need help." I say and hear a sigh on the other end. "Okay, what's up?" She asks, her voice now a bit more lively. "Just come over. It's a lot to explain on the phone." I say, I hear another sigh and I'm 100% sure Hanna is rolling her eyes right now. "Fine." She exaggerates the word, "I'll be over in a couple minutes." She says, I'm about to say thank you but am cut off by her voice again. "But, just so you know, I will be in pajamas." She says, I giggle. "Okay, see you soon." I say before ending the call and slouching onto my bed.

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